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In need of a usb-rs485 converter


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I ordered the starter package from LOR a few weeks ago but also ordered 3 more boards from a user on here. I have no idea when LOR will ship my order but the boards I ordered from a fellow member will be here Monday and I really want to get them hooked up and tested while I'm waiting on my last LOR board. Does anyone have an extra the would be willing to sale me locally or know where I can find one retail this weekend. I just hate to have boards sitting here for weeks with no way to test them.


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Im in Georgia - I have a spare I'd be happy to loan you for free. Just return it to me after you recieve yours.

(it is a generic non LOR brand, but uses the same chip)
I have tested it with my controllers.

I could mail it, or you could come pick it up.

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@Mike, I did order one from LOR almost 3 weeks ago but I also ordered a controller board as well so I guess it won't ship until the controller is ready to ship with it.

@Giz, Thank you! I wish you were a little closer I would come by today if you were. If I have not received one before Thanksgiving week I will for sure come by. My sister lives in Buford and is coming here for Thanksgiving so I could get her to pick it up before she heads here. Thanks again for the offer.

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I should have a spare by the weekend, got shipping notice today. Should be here Thursday

Shoot me an email john@TennHolidays.net

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Oh see JBullard now I would have felt bad for stealing your EDM LoL. I don't know when mine is going to ship but if I could borrow your spare until mine comes in so I can at least test everything then you sir would be my hero of the day. Works out perfectly actually cause I've been wanting to come by and see your setup since I saw how close you were.

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I had two. Always keep a spare. But....can't find one of them.

So I ordered another spare, that I will be glad to loan you.

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JBullard wrote:

I had two. Always keep a spare. But....can't find one of them.

So I ordered another spare, that I will be glad to loan you.

By any chance did that extra one come in yet? I'm dying to test these boards out.
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Yes sir, Thank you so much John. It was an awesome feeling to fire everything up for the first time last night and see the lights doing exactly what I had planned. It looks so much better than the visualizer gave it credit for. Thank you for the offer as well Giz. Now it's time to get outside and wrap things up!

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