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Help...need a controller


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So i need some help from someone near me. One of my controllers that i bought during the sale stopped working last night and it looks like it can't be fixed till mid December.

Does anyone have a spare that i could buy or borrow till mine gets fixed. Please PM me if you can help and we could work something out.

this is my first year and i have made a big deal about this to all my friends and co-workers. I would look really bad if i had no show.

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not sure. went to test last night and the LED status doesn't turn on. the power supply gets really hot. the sticker that was on it can off on its own.

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PC-DIY solder bought in the sale this year. what makes me worry is the power supply gets really hot. so hot that the sticker came off on it's own. the controller was working a few nights ago but i have never had it on more than 15 min yet.

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Have you sent a message into the LOR help desk? I had a power issue with my ctb16pc where I had no red light but had power, was not getting hot like yours but long and short of mine was they had to send me out a replacement last week. I would recommend doing it.

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If it's mounted in a case, like the Pest says, you might want to remove it, and check for critters, or solder bridges. If you can't see anything, post some high res, focused pictures for others to take a look at, might be something simple that someone may see. I know a couple years ago I spent about 36 hours looking for a problem that wasn't there, by the time I was done, I was seeing triple, took 2 days to refocus my eyes. (BTW, I'm not kidding)

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I happen to have it with me and i pulled it out and blew on it. other than dust nothing came out. i plugged it in and now it's working again.

is there any possibility it is over heating and shutting down?

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You've completely reassembled and put it back in case and it is fine, or have not put it all back together?

You may want to check the case for anything floating around, or anything that could have come loose and be touching the board and creating a short.

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completely took it apart and put it back together.

don't know why i always end up with the weirdest things happening.

Hopefully this was all an over reaction but with it getting this close to lights on and being my first year i hope i don't look like the kid that cried wolf!!!

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might want to also make sure the screws you are putting into it when mounting it in the box are not creating an arch, make sure no solder bridges are tied or close to the others. Also when tighting the screws make sure you are not over tigtening them to cause some other type of electrical arch.

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ToddH wrote:

might want to also make sure the screws you are putting into it when mounting it in the box are not creating an arch, make sure no solder bridges are tied or close to the others. Also when tighting the screws make sure you are not over tigtening them to cause some other type of electrical arch.

I wish I could build an Arch just by putting a screw into my enclosure! :D

Just Kidding Todd. I know what you mean.

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this forum has saved my life. thank you everyone.

Lets hope when i take it home today and hook it up that it doesn't start playing games with me again.

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