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Is it disrespectful to have lights on the night before rememberance/veterans day?


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Hey all...

I thought it would be respectful to put my lights on red (RGB) in honor of veterans day/remembrance day. after the lights had been on for several hours someone told me that it was a sign of disrespect to have my lights on before November 11, because it showed that I was focused more on my Christmas display than I was thinking about the Veterans that I was just trying to pay tribute to.

I can kind of see how people would get that impression if they hadn't seen my display on a normal 'lights on' day... Anyways, i turned them all off worried that my display could be offending people, especially the veterans I was only trying to honor.

Anyone heard this before? What are your thoughts on the matter?

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Everyone does things differently. I've got some RGB floods that run year round. Around 4th July, Memorial Day, etc., they go Red/White/Blue.

If I turn them RWB tomorrow night, does that make me disrespectful? Well, that's going to be a matter of opinion, but I wouldn't think so.

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Are they the same people that say you cant wear cousin Eddie's white shoes after Labor Day? :P

Like Don, I have RGB landscape lights going year-round.. I'd ask those people, do they display anything for Easter to show respect for Christ dying to save us?

I would say Life is Short, and so are they...

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Was the person that said that to you a veteran that you admire and respect? If it was, then you did the right thing turning off the lights.

If not then I think your opinion is as valid as theirs. My son is a Navy vet, and he thought it was a great idea, and showed your support. I will have my white and red lights running tonight (I wish I had blue). Thanks for the great idea.

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Retired Air Force here. I guess I can see their point, I think they are just a tad bit on the extreme side.

Out of respect, I would maybe run them in Red, White, and Blue so they wouldn't have anything to complain about.

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David Rise wrote:

Retired Air Force here. I guess I can see their point, I think they are just a tad bit on the extreme side.

Out of respect, I would maybe run them in Red, White, and Blue so they wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I didn't retire like David. I served for 5 active and 3 with the guard. I was not in during a conflict. So, my opinion might not count. But I would agree with David. Run something that would seq Red, Blue, and white. Leave the other colors for Christmas. I understand a lot of peoples feels that seems that the radio starts playing Christmas songs way to early. The stores are pushing products way to early. Seems that every year they start sooner. Suppose society is going to have to push back, and this person thought you where pushing the limit with the "Christmas lights". Next year just the RBW and then if you have any problems. Point it out that you are saluting our service men and women by the RGW lights.
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I can't do Red White and Blue up here in Canada, lol... Well I could, but those offended by the Red might be even more offended if I ran another countries colors on Veterans day :D

Maybe next year I'll make a rope light Poppy if I have enough Red rope light hanging around.

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ace_master wrote:

Hey all...

I thought it would be respectful to put my lights on red (RGB) in honor of veterans day/remembrance day. after the lights had been on for several hours someone told me that it was a sign of disrespect to have my lights on before November 11, because it showed that I was focused more on my Christmas display than I was thinking about the Veterans that I was just trying to pay tribute to.

I can kind of see how people would get that impression if they hadn't seen my display on a normal 'lights on' day... Anyways, i turned them all off worried that my display could be offending people, especially the veterans I was only trying to honor.

Anyone heard this before? What are your thoughts on the matter?

You know it by now.... Navy Vietnam vet here...

My guess is that person isn't a vet at all. Perhaps they don't like your early start on the season.

I'd never consider it disrespectful. Then again, maybe I have been brainwashed by all the dumb a$$ chain store marketing people who put up Christmas displays 4 months in advance :X
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My question to his comment would be "When are you going to put up your American flag to pay respect to the vets.

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The OP is Canadian so Red, or Red and White, would be appropriate while adding Blue to that mix wouldn't be -- unless of course they were flying the colors of the Royal Union. The same thing would go for the American flag - a Canadian flag, or even the Union Jack perhaps :P

If there's one thing I've finally learned, it's that some people are just jerks. The best thing you can do is say 'thanks for your opinion' and then ignore them.

I think running mini lights, even in red or red & white, would be a little 'early' and certainly look more christmasy than perhaps you wanted. HOWEVER red, or red and white, floods says tribute.

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