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FM Trans


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I have the c crane modified. I can get a range of about 200ft. I saw a few FM units online but the lower ones have drifting issues and the bigger ones the company said they will not deliver to an US address. Any help would be great.

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Getting 200 ft with the C Crane? That's the most I've ever heard anyone with that unit getting.

What are you looking for?

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JBullard wrote:

Getting 200 ft with the C Crane? That's the most I've ever heard anyone with that unit getting.

What are you looking for?

I am looking for equipment that can match the rang of the ELL of about 1000m, has anyone had any problems with the FCC
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sabinlights wrote:

We got ours on e-bay with a range of 5 miles + we have ours set at 3/4 mile range works great.

What type is yours? Do you get ch drifting?
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sabinlights wrote:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/RANGESTUD-WHOLE-HOUSE-20-WATT-FM-TRANSMITTER-MP3-IPOD-/120461621193. this close to ours you can set the power to what you need. Never had any drift. Hope this helps.

is the antenna up high or in the garage? Do you get any feadback from the computer fan?
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