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chanels 3,4, 8 not working


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Can anyone provide me with specs on opto's triac's and 20 pin IC

Every component is installed in the correct orientation, and all solder joints have been checked and re-checked.

This is one out of four I built and the only one with issues.

I do have a good knowledge of electronics, just need a little guidance, to further my testing on the board.

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Ok, so, brand new build, 3 separate channels out...everything else works fine?

Odds are, you don't have a combination of bad optos, triacs, and/or the 74273.

All other channels work on that side?

If you haven't done so already, a reset of the board would be the first thing to try.

It really is worth going thru the orientation and checking solder connections/bridges one more time. I say that only because, no matter how many of these you build, its always easy to get an opto flipped, miss a pin on a resistor array, etc.

If you've got 3 working boards, you can also troubleshoot each channel, compare working to non-working, and see if you can narrow down the exact issue.

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All other channels do work fine and the orientation of components are correct. Solder joints are good, no cold joints, or solder bridges.

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Did you try resetting the board? Power down, remove jumper on pin 2 of header, power back up, 10 seconds, power down, replace jumper. That will clear many a problem...

If that doesn't work, next step would be to compare a working channel on the same board, with non-working..or use one of your 100% working boards.

The specs/pin-outs for the optos, triacs, and 273 chip are all locatable on the web.

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Problem solved. I had 3 bad traces between the resistors and the opto's. Bridged the trace and whala. Thanks for the help.

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