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Adding music to sequence


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Ok, another dumb question. I'm using the simple show builder. I have the sequence for wizards of winter, I have the mp3 file of the music. How do I get the music with the sequence? If I click add sequence in the show builder it said the music for this sequence cannot be found. The music is in the amazon music downloader.

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I believe that the Simple Show Builder will require the media files to be located in the LOR Default Audio folder. Since it is the Simple Show Builder, it does not offer options like you might have in the Schedule Editor

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Hi gayler ,
well i'm going to impress myself now , ;) , Being a newbie as well , You have to add the mp3 in the sequence editor not the show builder .
If you open the sequence editor and select your wizards of winter sequence , when it appears on the editor go to the edit button at the top and click on it , in the list that appears below go to media file , when you click on it a window will appear asking for the mp3 music file , point it at your mp3 for wizards of winter and open it . It will then play when you watch your sequence in the editor. when your happy save it and the music will be saved to the sequence ready for the show builder.




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Be sure to really watch the sequence carefully and make certain the music is in sync with the sequence.. that the music is NOT ahead or behind the sequence... if it is, go to Edit, Skew Track, either left of right small amounts until it lines up, then Save.. once it's synced, and Saved, the Scheduler will play it correctly..

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Well I totally misunderstood.

You said you were using the Simple Show Builder, but in reality you were using a different program, the Sequence Editor.

Anyway glad you got it finished.

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Sorry for the confusion JBullard. I was using the simple show builder and jer75 corrected me a said mp3's have to be added in the sequence editor.First time doing this so stay tuned for lotts more stupid questions.:]

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gayler wrote:

Sorry for the confusion JBullard. I was using the simple show builder and jer75 corrected me a said mp3's have to be added in the sequence editor.First time doing this so stay tuned for lotts more stupid questions.:]
The only stupid questions are the ones not asked :)
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