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Plan to switch software


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Hey, I guess I am a newbie at least in this forum, but I plan to switch to LOR in 2012 and have a couple of simple questions.

First, I have been using AD for 6 years,what will be the expected learning curve to S3.

Second, Where can I download the demo,and how long can I use it in demo mode before it expires.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone real soon.


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You can download the latest version of the software on the software download page:

It will run forever (as of now anyway) with the features listed here:

What do you have to learn? Some things, like fades, etc., are done a little differently in the LOR software. If you've been using AD for 6 years though, I doubt you'll have any issues learning the LOR software.

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Don wrote:

What do you have to learn? Some things, like fades, etc., are done a little differently in the LOR software. If you've been using AD for 6 years though, I doubt you'll have any issues learning the LOR software.

Thanks Don, The main things I will have to learn is just the lingo and manipulation of the timing grids since I usually use at least three different tracks in every song I program. Even though AD is not as bad as everyone thinks it is,( it is behind on alot of things) after watching the S3 tutiorial,things that normally take me 15min in AD can be done in seconds with LOR.

Looking forward to getting this last job done so I can start playing with the software.

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