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I have been programming now for a little while and I think that I may be doing it the hard way. I am learning the program as I work through the programming. Any tips or tricks. I have started a few songs. Music Box Dancer by DJ, Hot Chocolate from Polar Express, Amazing grace the techno version. I am having problems with Music Box Dancer. I have tired to use the beat wizard and the tapper wizard. I am trying to get on the up beat and the down beat. I can't seem to get the timing right. Please offer any help if you can. Thanks

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By The Way, Welcome to LOR

What I would do when trying to zero in on a tempo is slow your music to 1/2 speed this way you get to add your trigger in a precise measurement

In the sequence editor, its in the "Play" dialog located in the very bottom and choose what speed you want to sequence at, some sound cards can't handle the 1/4 speed
but I always do mine in 1/2 speed

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