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subsquence config


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I can not configure my CCRs because I programed all my lights prior to the upgrades and I dont speak hex. In my layout I used a separate channel for each of my CCRs. I also split the arches and the 12 CCR tree across four LOR controllers. This begins my trouble.

CCR arch 1 LOR Controller 3 plug 5

CCR arch 2 LOR controller 3 Plug 6

CCR arch 3 LOR Controller 3 Plug 7

CCR arch 4 LOR controller 3 plug 8


For the big tree I used leg 1-4 on controller 6 and plug 13-16

leg 5-8 on controller 7 and plug 1-4

leg 9-12 on contoller 8 and plug 1-4


So how would I set up my networks to handle this split or do I need to change all my songs?

Is there anyone out there who can talk me through this????

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I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish Sarge. It sounds like you're looking at plugging the CCRs into conventional controllers. I can't think of any reason to do that. Each CCR comes with it's own individual controller. The CCR controllers need to be assigned unique unit ID numnbers and then daisy-chained with each other using Cat5 (just like every controller on that same network), but the CCRs should be powered by plugging them into conventional ac power receptacles - not into other controllers.

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Please diregard everything prior to now...I sat down, locked my self in a room and read/practiced the manual.
New problem. When I add my subsequence to the first channel above my existing sequence all appears functional. When I play the sequence I have extra leds on the ccr that are lighting up. I erased my entire show to see if I had a conflict. Not the issue. I did get an error message when I tried to export the sequence using the superstar program. (four arches and no star) the error was: channel name of ccr04-CI is not a star channel or CCR Ribbon channel, channel not channelized. In the config set up of the Superstar Lights seq. editior my CCRs start on 12-0c my network is standard with 1-01 being the first and 12-0c being the last.
On the hardware config on the LOR I set up my CCRs to be 0C,0D,0E,0F.
somewhere in the mix of these varibles is my problem, I am sure of it.
I am not using the visualizer yet, I have the CCRs daisy chained together and plugged straight into comm port 4.

2. do I have to use the LOR controller? Why cant I plug 6 CCRs into one comm port; 6 into another; the LORcontrollers into another and the 4arch CCRs into my last comm port?

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