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LOR Contro Panel's Hardware Utility ERROR # 8002

Denise Nelson

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:shock: I just tried to use the Control Panel's Hardware Utility and when the window popped up, I got the following error msg:

"The serial port (Comm1) assigned to LOR has a problem. You may need to select another port. Open of serial Port 1 has failed. ERROR (8002) Invalid port number While: Executing Port Open Property."

I have no idea what this means or why I got it. I have Windows 7 Professional running in my PC; just updated LOR Sequence Editor to 3.0.

So if anyone out there knows what all this means and has a solution, please clue me in. I have never run into this problem before, I started in 2010, and it worked fine.

Thank you in advance.

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Also check to see NOTHING else LOR is open at the same time.. If your Sequence Editor is open, and you try to open HU and search for your units, you'll get that msg too..

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