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VISUALIZER: Making Changes

Denise Nelson

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I have finished my visualization in the new Visualizer program and am ready to use it with Sequence Editor. I have read the "tutorial" but it does not say anything about if you make any changes to the visualization in Visualizer and if these changes will show in the one we created. Could someone tell me if this is true or not, or how does it work?

I love the Visualizer!!! I have created deers and they DO look like deers! Great! :D

PROGRAMMERS: The only thing that I would like to have is control over zoom in and out of the picture so I have better control when drawing. Right now I have to take the fixture out of the area, place it in an open area, enlarge it and then fine tune the fixture and place it back. Zoom would be a great addition to the program... think about it.

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when you say "changes" do you mean changes to the Names or Assignment of channels? (i.e. In the sequencer, you change Channel 16 from a Tree to a Deer).
If that's what you mean, I think you would have to go into the visualizer and make the change there as well.

hope that helps..

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All of those things said are correct:

There is NO connection between the Visualizer or the Sequence Editor. If you change something in one it does NOT change in the other. Just like the sequence editor doesn't care what lights you plug into a channel.

Zoom is on the wishlist.

The easy move/fine move is also on the wishlist (as is a 'Aspect Ratio' resize)

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Jeff, Thank you for your reply. I will try creating them in a different window. And yes, it is a few more steps, but for now it will do.

:PAdd one more thing to the Visualizer wish list: the ability to print everything! I'd like to have a copy of the visualization that I created for this year; I'd love to be able to print out the prop information, etc.

:PIn the LOR Sequence Editor program, when you print out the Channel Configuration chart, it would be nice to have the colors print as well. I'm a "visual" type of person and the colors that have been assigned to the channels would be great for me.

As far as the word "deer" is concerned, I looked it up in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition and it shows that it can be either way, "deer" and also "deers". I always do a spell check and it didn't pick it up.:)

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After I finished the visualization and used it for the first time, I realized how it works. And thank you for your response. We are trying to configure our yard and there will be changes to where the props will go and I had thought I would not be able to make changes, like in the Sequence Editor's animator screen: "one square at a time".

I LOVE the new Visualizer!!! And yes, I will not be going back to the old one. Thank you all for creating it!

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