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superstar bought sequence

Dennis Laff

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Hi i bought a sequence from superstar lights. Brian says to add it as a sub sequence to l.o.r thats fine but for the main sequence to work do i program to the same song first so my lights are cordinated with sub sequence or do i program main sequence as an animation first ? need a little help ! Thanks in advance Dennis Laff

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  • 5 weeks later...

Mr Christmas wrote:

How do you addthem as subsequences. I'm a "newbie!

Here is my instructions on doing a subsequence:

Note that the recommended way to get the exported CCR sequence into your main sequence is to play it as a subsequence. The following is detailed steps on how you do that:
Launch the Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor
Open your main sequence (The one that you already had before you ever even heard of SuperStar)
Right click on the first channel button at the top of your sequence.
In the popup menu, select “Insert Channels”, then select “Insert Channel Above”
Right click on the “New Channel” button that you just inserted
In the popup menu, select “Change Channel Settings”
The “Channel Settings” dialog box appears.
Change the name of the button to something like “SuperStar”
In the “Device Type” drop down, select “Sequence”
On the “Sequence” line near the bottom of the dialog box click on the “…” button
The “Open” dialog box will appear
Select the file that you exported. In this example, the exported file name was “MyAwesomeSequence.sup.lms”
Click on the “Open” button
Click on the “Ok” button in the “Channel Settings” dialog box
The sub-sequence will be played only while the grid boxes for this channel are “on”.
So you want to set the little grid boxes to “On” for the entire row all the way to the end of the sequence.
To do this, select one of the boxes on the row, Click on the Edit menu, hover the mouse over “Select”, a flyout menu appears, on the flyout menu click on “Row(s)”, right click on one of the boxes in the row and select “On” to turn the entire row “On”.
Now when you play your sequence, the subsequence will be played at the same time. You of course want the main sequence and subsequence to not try and control the same lights or the results will be unpredictable.
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