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Nothing shows in Visualizer


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I am using the demo edition to get a real for things. The Visualizer works great with the sample animation sequences that come with S3. I created a simple music sequence and a simple visualizer file with one string of lights and one channel. I then turned the channel on in the sequence, confirmed by channels matched between them, the com settings are a match, but nothing.

Switch back to the demo.....no issues!

Does visualizer not work with a music sequence, or does it just not work in the demo?

I am considering switching from Aurora to LOR, so working on the learning curve before I commit.

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It should work. In your sequence editor, with your sequence open, try looking under play for an option similar to "control visualizer" or something similar, related to visualizer, and confirm it is enabled. If that is not it, look deeper at the channel settings on both sides.

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That was it! I set a couple of channels to unit 1 in both sequencer and visualizer and they worked.

My actual gear is all set to 0A-0F, so it didn't dawn on me that since the basic is limited to 2 controllers that they would be 1 and 2 only and demo has the same restriction. (good thing to go into some documentation :D

Thanks for getting me over the minor bump! Next issue...new post....

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I just got an advanced license. I can confirm everything works perfectly with that license, so it really was the demo locking it to specific controller #1 and #2 for the visualizer.

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The Visualizer follows the same channel/unit restrictions as the Sequence editor does, with the exception of the DEMO license.

The Demo License does not allow you to control actual hardware. However in the eyes of the Visualizer, the 'Demo' version is the 'Basic' version - you can use units 1 and 2 and it will work.

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Yep, that makes sense....of course the limitation of only two controllers does not state that they have to have ID 1 and 2.

Technically 0A and 0B are also only two ID's.

I get why it works that way. This forum is great for solving these little riddles.

Thanks everyone

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