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This is my 15th year of doing a Halloween display, but my first using Light-O-Rama. I'm running 64 channels with 12 dedicated to the light poles. I'll be posting some video to YouTube, hopefully tomorrow. I've got 33 songs sequenced. A big thanks to all the people who share their sequences --- plus the 4 I bought. It is soooo much easier to edit than to create from scratch. I did create one sequence on my own --- Rock and Roll All Nite. It's for my KISS of Death display.

Attached files 273630=15112-2011-Halloween-029.gif

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I adapted the plans for 10' Christmas light poles. These are about 6', made mostly with 1 1/2" PVC (3" for the base), using large L-brackets to make the bases. To save channels I'm running the odd poles (3) on one set of 6 channels, and the even poles (2) on another set of 6 channels.

Attached files 273633=15114-2011-Halloween-027.gif

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Here's a shot to the right of the sidewalk to my front door. The fog machines and anamatronics will come out for Halloween weekend. Oh, and I'm broadcasting everything on FM. I run a show during the day with with 10-15 minutes sets of music, but no lights. I intro the music with announcements for the light show. It's working out pretty well. My neighbors kids tune in each night to hear what's playing before they go to bed.

Attached files 273634=15115-2011-Halloween-033.gif

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It's looking great : I'm looking forward to watch the video on youtube.

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I screwed up and shot video too late last night. The lights looked OK, but you couldn't even see the outline of the house. Doh! I'm re-shooting two songs at twilight tonight and hope to have them on YouTube tomorrow.

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Video editing is another hobby of mine. I use Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, but Premiere Elements will also let you layer video. I shot it in HD 1080p from 4 different angles, then edited it to 720p --- but the YouTube posting is only standard definition. I need to figure out which settings to use to post in HD. The trick is synching the videos to each other and to the original sound file.

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I found a trick to sync sound. I tape my display then overlay the original audio that I used to sequence from with the taped audio muted. The trick of course is getting them synked together. At the end of the audio I am sequencing from I add a 1 sec tone ( I just use audicity). When I sequence I turn on a group of lights when the tone comes up (from the wave form you can see the exact time the tone comes up). After recording the display put the original audio into a video editor and mute the recorded audio. overlay the original audio (with the tone at the end). forward the video to the point your key lights are displayed, adjust the audio earlier or later in time until the tone just starts as the key lights come on. WALA ! the overlay audio now matches the video. After the video has been created I edit the synquenced song and modify the length to remove the section at the end with the tone.

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