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Led rope light

Wayne K

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Has anyone found a good place to buy red and green led dimmable rope light? I have done some searching and have a couple of questions on led rope light.

Some of them say non dimmable and dimmable, So are the lights and wiring the same from rope light to rope light and just the cord end is different( full rectified ) or is there something different inside? As I have found some 3/8" at a good price, but says non dimmable. So can I order the cord ends from another vender that says dimmable and make the non dimmable dimmable?



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I have been using this for a few years and love it. I have another role being shipped now. As for green, I'm on the hunt as well as most prices are too much for me (true for all good quality green rope light).

Be sure to use promo code PCPLUS2009 for 20% off.

Val at:


If you find a good choice for green that is reasonably priced let me know.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...


I might be all wet behind the ears, but I have a question for you. Ok, so what makes LEDs dimmable or not is that the front end or cord as you all call it. Either it is just a bridge rectifier or a bridge rectifier with a filter cap. and possible some more electronics. But for this example lets just say it is with a filter cap.


Ok so in a cord that only has a bridge rectifier you are going to see what I call dirty D.C. The voltage viewed on an O' Scope would look like a continuous "m" with some spacing between the humps. The top of the curves would be 1.414 times higer (voltage). Than if you where to add a filter cap. The best way I can think to describe this is to think of the wave form as dirt. When adding the filter cap. is like a earth mover scraping off the peaks to fill in the valleys. This lowers the voltage


So, I can see either some leds with either to much voltage applied, to little or just the right amount. All depending on how the LED string or rope lights where built.

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I have used the same company as Dave. I have had no complaints on them. Very reasonable pricing. Dimmable and have had some of their LEDs for a few years now with no failures.

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So 1/2 led cuttable every 36". Yes, the price is cheaper for green than most places but this is a lot of extra material left over.

For 3/8" led rope cuttable every 20" go here (they also have 1/2" cuttable every 20" as well):


I was soooo hoping for 20" cuts.


Edited by sax
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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone found a good place to buy red and green led dimmable rope light? I have done some searching and have a couple of questions on led rope light.


Visit www.christmas-leds.com - they have 3/8" DIMMABLE led rope light ranging from $150 - $290 USD for 150' of it. Cuttable, it makes it a very viable option if not all 150' will be used in one strand. However, you need to buy power kits for each section you cut - another $5 a strand. Be careful how you spend whatever budget you have.



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