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creating objects with visualizer


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Just started using the new visualizer last night, love it.

Didn't see the following, but only played with it for an hour or so.

I wanted to see if it's possible to create objects with the visualizer and save them ie;

create a snowman, small tree, snowflake, or ???

Maybe attach/assign 1 or more lights/channels to that object.

I could then copy and pasted each object where I want

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Couple of questions:

1) is there any way to edit an existing symbol? Say I import a symbol like a snowflake, but I want to modify it? I don't see anyway to edit the strings in the visualizer

2) I notice when I'm drawing a symbol using the light string, and I want to make it somewhat detailed, once I release the mouse and place the point where I want it, and click again, it connects the two locations. In order to add say the detail "branches" on a snowflake, I need to redraw over the already added lines/lights, ie: over the same location repeatedlty to get all the "branches" in.


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DevMike wrote:

Yes, but I wouldn't place any bets on my comprehension:)

I figured no 1 out; just click on a bulb and you can delete it, keep clicking you can delete parts of a string.

Still can't figure out no 2 yet. I'll keep playing with it. Thanks
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Drawing Lights and Creating Fixtures:

Now let's create another string. Start at the left of the second peak and draw up to the top, then back down to the right, ending with a double click. A new dialog appears that allows you to assign this new drawing to an existing fixture, or to use it as the basis for a new one (if you were not prompted, delete this new drawing, go to "File / Options / 4. Fixtures" and change the "Assume the fixture is new" dropdown from "Always" to "Ask", and then try again).

Since this is another roof string, select the "Roof Outline" fixture. By repeating these steps, you can create lights on different parts of your stage that all behave using the same channels. Your roof now consists of two separate strings.

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so, say for a snowflake with lots of overlapping pieces, I create multiple fixtures, and then add them to the prop(make a snowflake prop). works for me, thanks

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You can do it that way, OR you could just draw 1 piece and when you complete it, add it to the 'snowflake' fixture. IE, a fixure doesn't have to consist of contiguous segments.

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