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Draw Statics on the Viz?

James George

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A lot of my display is static, roofline, bushes, wreaths, etc. Is it possible to draw in your statics on the visualizer along with the blinkies just to see all the display lights? I am guessing you just would not assign channels and such to the statics.

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Are you and Paul Roberson brothers? He asked for the same thing in beta.

As of right now there is no easy way of doing that. You could always edit your background picture in a photo-editor and add them that way.

We do have an 'Always ON' fixture type request on the wishlist that will do what you want, but it's not scheduled to be done at this time (as is all the stuff on the wishlist0.

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Why not draw all the statics in the visualizer, assign them to the same one channel, then put that channel on for the whole song in the sequence editor.

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Ahhh, two good suggestions. I have only 2 controllers and can't spare even one channel. Looks like photo-edit is the way to go for me. Hopefully I can use and keep editing that as needed if and until this feature request becomes available. Thanks guys!

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James George wrote:

Ahhh, two good suggestions. I have only 2 controllers and can't spare even one channel.

Then use Virtual channels! :)

You said you had 2 controllers, so I am assuming that your sequences have 32 channels. In your sequence, create a 33RD channel with a device type of none. Name it something you'll remember (like 'Static'). Turn it ON for the whole sequence.

Now, create your visualizer and draw those static things. Assign a single channel to them called 'Static' that also has a device type of none.

Read more about virtual channels here:
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