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How many people use the LOR Master Controller Layout


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I am in the process of deciding how I want to layout my controller channels for this year (added an extra 80 or so channels). Previously I only had 2 controllers with a Mega Tree and a B_Star on channels 1 and 2. I am looking at the master channel list and wanted to know how many people use it for their layouts.

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I found it threw the years, I have built a custom excel program to fit my needs/wants.
With the addition of the new Visualizer, it nice having a cross check between all programs and actual set-up. I will admit, with the new Vis, I have caught and was able to fix some mistakes that in the past were hard to find. :)

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I use spreadsheets as well. Easy to create separate pages for each controller with estimated amperage draw and then refer to all the contorller pages for bulb counts and where to plug what in to. Couldn't live without them when my wife helps me get everything plugged in.

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