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Visualizer upload

Nancy Harris

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I was trying to upload a picture of my house to the S3 Visualizer and it causes the program to close.

This is my error message:

AppName: lorvisualizer.exe AppVer: ModName: unknown

ModVer: Offset: 00000000

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Ok, as I suspected that picture is TOO big. I resized it and sent it back to you.

I will also open a bug report about this. Even if the picture is too big, it shouldn't crash the application like it does.

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SO , what size should it be, I think you should let us all know before we make the same mistake.

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I thought I had ask a very simple question and I don't think you answered it properly. I'll ask the question this way "What size should the picture be that we use in the Visualizer ?"

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There is no limit per se. However, the Help file talks about striking a balance between ease of use and performance.


There are no hard and fast numbers I can give you, since it all depends on your computer, memory available, etc. I personally would try to stay around 1000x1000, or something like that (1200x800, etc...)

If that doesn't perform well, size it down from there until it does.

There is now a 2500x2500 limit on the size of a simulation or background picture. However that may still be too large for your computer. Please read this for more info:

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