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Help Using Instant Sequence without CCR


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I am experimenting with the Super Star Editor (SSE) and the Visualizer attempting to sequence 10 pumpkins. I have created a visualization with the 10 fixtures and assigned a channel to each one. I then save the visualization and import into the SSE. From here I select CTRL I to bring up the instant sequence dialog box and select the audio file and then Sequence All. The sequence gets created most of the time. Occasionally nothing will appear on the time line but if I Roll the Dice and Sequence All again it will eventually show up. This seems to work OK and mostly what I expect.
I select play and can watch the 10 pumpkins dance to the music. It looks great and I get excited seeing it all work.

I save the file as an .sup file.

Now for the issue:

When I export this sequence, a couple of different things happen depending on what version of the visualizer file I am using (I have created several including trying the sample ones included with LOR).

1. I open the sup.lms file and I get an error telling me there are no sequence channels. The file is unusable.

2. I open the sup.lms file and of the 10 channels that I expect to see sequenced only 3 have data. These 3 channels are named correctly i.e. Pumpkin1 Unit 01.1 but the ones that are not sequenced have a channel name of Unit 01.2. In my test it appears that channels 1, 4, and 5 get sequenced and the other ones do not, even though they all show up in the Super Star Editor.

I have been successful creating an Instant Sequence with a CCR but have had no luck with the above scenario. Is this because the Super Star editor is not capable of sequencing a small set of channels or is it that I am doing something wrong to get it configured?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am a novice when it comes to sequencing and if the Instant Sequence process works, it will be a great tool for people like me to at least have something to begin with and can then be modified to work in our displays.

Thanks again

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stil wrote:

I am experimenting with the Super Star Editor (SSE) and the Visualizer attempting to sequence 10 pumpkins.  I have created a visualization with the 10 fixtures and assigned a channel to each one.  I then save the visualization and import into the SSE.  From here I select CTRL I to bring up the instant sequence dialog box and select the audio file and then Sequence All.  The sequence gets created most of the time.  Occasionally nothing will appear on the time line but if I Roll the Dice and Sequence All again it will eventually show up.  This seems to work OK and mostly what I expect. 
I select play and can watch the 10 pumpkins dance to the music.  It looks great and I get excited seeing it all work.

I save the file as an .sup file.

Now for the issue:

When I export this sequence, a couple of different things happen depending on what version of the visualizer file I am using (I have created several including trying the sample ones included with LOR).

  1.  I open the sup.lms file and I get an error telling me there are no sequence channels.  The file is unusable.

  2.  I open the sup.lms file and of the 10 channels that I expect to see sequenced only 3 have data.  These 3 channels are named correctly i.e. Pumpkin1 Unit 01.1 but the ones that are not sequenced have a channel name of Unit 01.2.  In my test it appears that channels 1, 4, and 5 get sequenced and the other ones do not, even though they all show up in the Super Star Editor.

I have been successful creating an Instant Sequence with a CCR but have had no luck with the above scenario.  Is this because the Super Star editor is not capable of sequencing a small set of channels or is it that I am doing something wrong to get it configured?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  I am a novice when it comes to sequencing and if the Instant Sequence process works, it will be a great tool for people like me to at least have something to begin with and can then be modified to work in our displays.

Thanks again

There are currently some bugs in the Export of channels from sequences created using a visualization file. Please email me your Visualization file to brian@superstarlights.com so I can make I get it to work right.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has there be a resolution to this? I have 4 Rainbow Floods, 1RGB strip that is experiencing behavior like this. DC unit is channel 6, channel 1 which is Flood 1 Red channel never exports. Just curious ... thanks!!

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trankin79 wrote:

Has there be a resolution to this? I have 4 Rainbow Floods, 1RGB strip that is experiencing behavior like this. DC unit is channel 6, channel 1 which is Flood 1 Red channel never exports. Just curious ... thanks!!

Still working through the reported problems, the things I have fixed so far are:

-Attempt to open an mp3 file that is in use, and it now tells you the file could be in use by another program
-After successufully opening an mp3 file, the screen did not redraw, this has been fixed.
-When exporting a file, if audio file was an mp3 file, the filename was being exported as SSEditAudioFile.wav. This has been fixed to use the mp3 audio file name.
-Couldn't do Instant Sequence with imported timings, this has been fixed, added Imported Timings as a Default Freq Option in the Timings dialog box.
-Increased assigned objects limit from 32 to 64
-Effect bars were always white if you switched from Visualization layout to CCR layout
-LOR controllers were assumed to never have more than 16 channels, now the code knows they can have up to 512 channels
-Orange, Yellow, and Purple lights were not being handled in some cases
-Props that don't contain any lights were messing up the row detection
-Duplicate channels were not getting handled. Changed it so duplicate channels get displayed in dark gray and cannot be selected or sequenced. A duplicate channel is a channel that is assigned to more than one light location.

I am still testing with the different visualization files I have been sent. Sorry, I haven't gotten to your export of the RGB floods yet.
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