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Is there no easy way to draw icicle lights in the visualizer?


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Unfortunately, you are not missing something.

When I asked Dan this question at the Expo, he said icicles were not in the visualizer. after my initial suprise, he did mention you could draw them in the viz.

I guess it was too difficult for the Devs to add them, or they thought that hardly anyone uses icicles anymore; and were not needed. :D

I do believe Jeff Millard has created some; so perhaps he could help in showing how to create them. Or at some point, upload his fixture/prop files for the icicles.

I use icicles on my roof line, so I have to get something done. I have HLD 4.x as a backup; just can't do CCR's in that program...but I do have icicles.
I was using HLD icicle layout to try and recreate them in the Viz; but they looked sucky, so back to square 1.

Hopefully if enough folks express an interest in needing the iciles; perhaps DevMike can add that option at some point. I think the viz thingy was mainly his baby...not sure though.

So, rather than my frustration building anymore; I think I'll get clarification on somethings...and call it a night.

Good Luck, I'm in the same boat as well.


EDIT: well I tried Jeff Millards Icicle light fixture on my setup...sucks! Not his fixture, just how it looks on my home.

sigh, I think I'm relegated to just using a light strand, to emulate the changes in the sequence.

Icicles will be PIA for me right now:(

Hopefully my pumkin and tombstone tracing will go better.

Sleep time for me.

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Here's an idea, create a short length of an icicle string, make the prop. Insert prop into your display and size it correctly then copy/paste to the length you need. This way you can have segments for different channels or combine the segments to be a single channel.

You will need to make three icicle props: one that's level and one each with left and right pitch. Nevermind this part. You can use the skew handle to cause the icicles to 'hang' vertical.

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  • 6 months later...

I am also very very new to learning the new viz, and the second thing i wanted to add was icicle's seems odd that they would not be a part of this, any way, I would like to take a shot at making them. is making a prop hard?

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Props are nothing but a collection of fixtures. If you are drawing lights, then you are already creating fixtures.

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