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Project: Twisted


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Project: Twisted is a DMX light show. It is greatly inspired by Six Flags Great America's Terror Twister 2: A Turn for the Worst! I'm hoping it will be a Halloween display; I live in a complex, and A LOT of the residents are old. I'm still waiting on the green light to set up the light for the rest of October. So I've been testing it in my room. This is my 1st year of programming the lights, so everything isn't pretty and polished like you pros do with your sequences. Without further a do....(I think that's how it goes)


The Facebook page: http://www.tinyurl.com/ProjectTwisted

The video is on Facebook and I tried to embed it, but that didn't work out....

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Looking at your video "test bed" it seems your dmx devices all have multi-channel capability, but all I saw was maybe 4 or 5 repeating patterns. Try staggering the timings and try some color loops or rgb color changes and see how that might work instead of so many repeats.

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Thank you for the help! In some of the other songs, a pattern will repeat, but the four side light will strobe off randomly, give the staggered effect. What do you mean by color loops? like fading RGB then repeating that?

I'll post another video soon showing the staggered effect.

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