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Removing a CCR/CCB from a sequence.


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I had planned on 2 100 count CCBs for my Halloween display, and it's not time to settle into PLAN B (CCBs will not arrive in time).

To that end I'm trying to remove the controllers via Tools / Channel Property Grid. I choose Delete Controller, and select one of the CCB units, click OK, and answer Yes to the do you really want to delete the controller question. Much time passes while the Sequence editor "hung". Then I get the message: "Component channels cannot be removed from RGB channels", and the controller remains.

Is there a way to remove them? Of if I assign them to a non existent network will there be any adverse effects when I run my show?

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-klb- wrote:

What about changing the hardware type? Seems to me there is an option like none.

That will do it. all be it very slowly.
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