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Error Msg on save


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Anyone ever see this before? I am getting it when trying to save. And when I try a different name I get the same error.

Sequence works fine, just won't take any new updates...

Attached files 268574=14883-invalid.png

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I found my problem and fixed.

Anyone reading this if you are not a developer and if you are you are not an expert at XML then never ever ever try to fix or modify a LOR file!!!

The problem was I had created some RGB channels and then deleted them. It seems all of them were not removed out of the channel list. And when I added new channels the same index was assigned; the app did not like duplicate records.

Anyway here is what I removed - notice channel 217 is missing - because that was the reinstantiated channel record. which had the same index identifier

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  • 1 month later...

So that I don't double post.. Here is the description of the problem with this error that I found...

This could cause some people some real heartaches if they edit for hours before saving..

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Well last night I got the very headache. I could not save after about 30 min. of programming. Very frustrating.

I did do something though that may help your code guys out there, (not me though).
I imported my channel config three times because I deleted one of my channels and then decided to use it again. So I went to add it and the setup looked wrong for some reason. (it didn't work the animator. (forgot to update, doh!)

Anyway, I deleted that channel again and reloaded the config. I went about programming and when I tried to say.. CRAP! It happened again. Definitely a software bug.

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plasmadrive wrote:

< snip >

Anyway, I deleted that channel again and reloaded the config. I went about programming and when I tried to say.. CRAP! It happened again. Definitely a software bug.

Software bug? Wouldn't that affect every user ..... every time?

I don't believe that this is a software bug.
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Hi JBullard,

Actually it could be that if anyone did what I did, it would effect them all the same. The reason I call it a software bug is because the software only allows you to use the controls it allows you to use. If it crashes, or screws up (won't save) as in my case and apparently several others, there has to be a software issue. (it has been posted before) Read what Kent wrote above..

As my old friend used to say, it shouldn't break because you use it like it was intended. By that, I mean, the GIU should not allow me to get to an unrecoverable situation. There was nothing I could do to sort it out once it was done. (I don't write code nor should I need to to make this work).

That means lost time and output. That manifests itself into hair pulling and excess coffee drinking... Which in turn means I have to trek to the house to pee late at night.. Arrrrgggghhhh$%^#%^$ :-{

I know my PC is fine as it is my engineering PC and I have no issues with it.

Most of the time it S3 runs fine. But not always when you do certain things.. I bet I could duplicate it if I had the time to play with it. It has happened to me several times but only after I have imported a channel config and modified it. So that would be where I would start to look if I wrote code. Oh.. and my configs work fine.. I think it is the modifying that is causing the problems.. but not sure.

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My Bad.. I think that was because I first was looking for someone that had the same issue as me and I didn't realize it was in the S2 software pile until after my first post.. then of course being lazy, I piled on with my second post..

Sorry about that..

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