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Display Up and Running!

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Everything is ready to go and officially starts tonight, Saturday 10/1/2011 at 7pm(or slightly after)!

The Animated Halooween Musical Light Show Display operates during the entire month of October (10/01/2011-10/31/2011):
7pm-10pm Sunday through Thursday
7pm-11pm Friday and Saturday
Slow fades between all lighted objects from 11:01pm-6:59am (7 nights/week)
Off Hours Halloween Themed music plays starts at: 7:00am-6:59pm (7 days/week)
Transmitted on 99.5 FM Stereo to your vehicle radio (also to outside speakers - low volume for walkers).

Can be seen at:
Magnolia Groves Apartments
2132 Durfey Court - Apt. 102
Fern Park, Florida 32730-2397

So if you live in Florida or will be visiting in October(greater Orlando area), stop by and see the display!

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That is great! Good luck on your show! Yes, Please post pics and video ASAP!

I am starting build up next weekend and will be in full production Oct 12th! I am so ready! :)

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Some day shots here:


NOTE: If you click on 1st photo in the above link, it will take you to the posted 2nd link posted below! Start with the 2nd photo to see all photo's in the above link.

And here: (almost finalized display - I added more chains to finish out the top of the fence line).


More photo's to follow and hopefully some video will be taken soon. If I can get the idiot from another building to QUIT PARKING in front of the display during operating hours. Which those 2 parking spaces are OUR parking and we move our vehicles so visitors can park and enjoy the display. No one should be parking there but visitors, which we cleared with our complex management for doing so. Then we repark our cars back in OUR spaces when the display hours are over. The thing that gripes me about this f'n idiot is they DO NOT EVEN LIVE IN THIS BUILDING and should NOT even be parking here in the first place!

So I'm going to have a nice calm chat with this idiot ONCE MORE and tell him if he can't abide by the rules, next time he parks there and leaves his vehicle unattended, it will be towed out of here. I'm going to give this moron one more chance, but if he parks in one of our two parking spaces tonight, he's gonna find his very large display blocker SUV towed and gone. Hope he has the $$$ to pay to get it back because it ain't cheap. And we even have a LED sign in the window with the request that RESIDENTS DO NOT PARK in these spaces (unless they are with their vehicle, watching the display and then exit, not park and leave your vehicle!

We did clear all this with our complex management, so if this bozo won't listen, then I'll have to tell management about the issue so they are aware that I may end up having his vehicle removed if he can't comprehend and comply.

Well that's my b*tch and moan session for today, just royally p.o.'ed me last night(Saturday 10/1) when he parked his SUV there and left it around 8pm (per my wife) since I had went to the store to pick up a few items. Always one brain-dead a-hole that has to ruin it for others, or so it sure seems. And my wife won't confront anyone, nor would I want her too.

Hopefully next year we'll be back in our own "owned" place with our own yard and not have to worry about this type of idiotic mentallity like in an apartment complex.

And if this keeps up, I won't be doing a Christmas display here outside at all this year for 2011. I'll just use a controller or two and decorate the interior of the apartment until we can get out of here.

Attached files 267195=14801-Halloween2011_018.JPG

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