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Sale Wish List


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To help pass the hours and repeated spot checks to see what new item might have been posted for the sale, what are you waiting to see posted in the sale? I think S3 is a given for everyone, but if you have the overwhelming need to say it aloud, go for it.

I am awaiting the listings for the DIO 32 with the servo and relay boards. No plans for this year, but will be fun to experiment with next summer when it's too hot to do anything outside.

Also would like to get four double string sets of the CCBs, depending on price. Been asked to do some lighting at a Fall Festival at one of the high schools, so I could use them there if they are available by then. Otherwise, no real plans for them this year.

Got the mini-director and servo dog during the earlier mini-sale.

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MikeH wrote:

I'm waiting on CCB's, PC controllers, and S3.

Yep, all three. We did get 3 CCR's and decided on another pair ELL's just for good measure. Not sure where it will come from but decided friends, family, and neighbors need as much cheer as we do. Might as well take care of everyone's needs while we strive to take care of our own. We live all year for this LOR hobby. :)
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