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Light Up Ohio Survey 2012


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Hello Light Up Ohio Christmas Enthusiasts,
I’m sure many of you are in the middle of trials and tribulations as you are busy creating your 2011 Christmas Displays. The LUO planning committee thought what a perfect time to capture these needs for the 2012 LUO event since they are clear in your mind. We realize that meeting up with old friends and making new one’s is a big part of the event. We also want to be sure that we meet our participant’s educational desires. We ask that you take a few moments of your time to answer these questions that will help us know how to plan the event. Any ideas, suggestions, recommendations are always welcome. Please answer the questions in the body of the text. When you are finished just reply to bchristmaslights@gmail.com
Again, thanks a lot

LUO Friday Evening “Meet and Greet”
1. Have you ever attended the Meet and Greet?
If the answer is “yes” please proceed to question 2.
If the answer is “no” Please answer the question “What prevents you from attending? What would need to change in order for you to attend?

2. How many times have you attended the Meet and Greet on Friday evening?

3. Would you prefer a restaurant, party house, or private home for the meet and greet?

4. What do you like about the current Meet and Greet format?

5. What do you dislike about the current format?

6. How do you think this event could be improved? Please give examples.

7. Do you plan on attending 2012 LUO Meet and Greet?

LIGHT UP OHIO Seminar questions
1. What specific topics do you want covered at LUO? Do you know anyone that would be interested in presenting?

2. Please rank in the order to which you prefer to learn from the most desired method to the least desired
a. Hands on
b. Lecture
c. Group discussion/round table

3. Would you be interested in a intensive theme based all or partial day seminar for example: LOR sequencing or a combination of one hour topics and 2,3,4 hour topics? If so what topics do you recommend? Please be specific.

4. What did you like most about this event?

5. What did you like least about this event?

6. How do you think this event could be improved?

7. Are there any other comments or suggestions you'd like to make?"

8. Overall, how would you describe your experience to the Event?
__ Poor
__ Fair
__ Good
__ Very Good
__ Excellent
Other Related questions
9. This event only charges enough money to cover its costs. Last year the fee was $30.00 per person. Did you think this was too low, reasonable or too high? What would you be willing to pay? Based on the event we had last year what price range would you be willing to spend this year?

a. $30.00 and under
b. $30.00 - $40.00
c. $40.00 - $50.00

10. How soon can you make a commitment to attend the 2012 LUO event? Reserving a facility requires a fairly accurate count of those who will attend.
Two months, three months, four months, five months, six months?
11. How did you hear about the LUO event?
____Internet/Please state website:
____Other (explain)

12. What is your state and county of residence?
13. Will you stay overnight in the area on this trip?

If the answer is yes - Type of overnight accommodations?
__ Motel/hotel
__ Friend/relative
__ Campground
__ Bed & Breakfast
__ Other ______________________

14. In order to increase attendance how might we get the word out about the event?

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