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ELL Game

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Guest wbottomley

This interesting....


The game has been cancelled. There are people out there with internet skills that allowed them to find the free ELLs before we even put the links up for them. Therefore the game is ruined. We will come up with another way to play this game that is less likely to be ruined.

From the page: http://store.lightorama.com/semisa.html

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wbottomley wrote:

Here you go Dan:

For every person that purchase a pair, will be entered into the contest. They have the potential to get their's free.

Put each persons name in a hat, pull out the winner.

NO! Would like to have a free pair but cant buy any right now.
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ItsMeBobO wrote:

wbottomley wrote:
Here you go Dan:

For every person that purchase a pair, will be entered into the contest. They have the potential to get their's free.

Put each persons name in a hat, pull out the winner.

NO! Would like to have a free pair but cant buy any right now.

exactly.... I had no intentions of buying ELL yet. But I have spent a significant $$ this year on controllers and CCRs already......
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Randomly select a name from everyone that is on the LOR e-mail, sale list. Post the name on the Mini Sale page and give them 24 hours to contact LOR for the prize. If per chance, they don't contact LOR, select another name.

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- Print out a list of everybodys email on contacts.
- Staple the list to the wall
- Everyday, when somebody post something that is "not user friendly", throw a dart at the list.
- Where the dart lands, gets the transmiter.
- Repeat following day
- call in slacky at end of week to replace drywall in office :D:D

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Here's an idea that won't require people to purchase in the store in order to win. At 9 PM EST Monday put a file up on the website for free download. The 100th download wins the ELL's. The file can be anything, like... oh... I don't know.... maybe S3?

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Jim Hans wrote:

Here's an idea that won't require people to purchase in the store in order to win. At 9 PM EST Monday put a file up on the website for free download. The 100th download wins the ELL's. The file can be anything, like... oh... I don't know.... maybe S3?

I like this idea

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Jim Hans wrote:

Here's an idea that won't require people to purchase in the store in order to win. At 9 PM EST Monday put a file up on the website for free download. The 100th download wins the ELL's. The file can be anything, like... oh... I don't know.... maybe S3?

Good thinking!
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Jim Hans wrote:

Here's an idea that won't require people to purchase in the store in order to win. At 9 PM EST Monday put a file up on the website for free download. The 100th download wins the ELL's. The file can be anything, like... oh... I don't know.... maybe S3?

you have my vote
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A number of people PMed me letting me know a number of different ways that people can monitor a website and be informed the moment something changes and what has changed. That puts the end of that way of doing it but there have been some different ideas and we have received a number of good ideas... Will try one of them out.


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LightORamaDan wrote:

A number of people PMed me letting me know a number of different ways that people can monitor a website and be informed the moment something changes and what has changed. That puts the end of that way of doing it but there have been some different ideas and we have received a number of good ideas... Will try one of them out.


Thank you Dan.
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LightORamaDan wrote:

A number of people PMed me letting me know a number of different ways that people can monitor a website and be informed the moment something changes and what has changed. That puts the end of that way of doing it but there have been some different ideas and we have received a number of good ideas... Will try one of them out.


what about ways to catch who did it?
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Jim Hans wrote:

Here's an idea that won't require people to purchase in the store in order to win. At 9 PM EST Monday put a file up on the website for free download. The 100th download wins the ELL's. The file can be anything, like... oh... I don't know.... maybe S3?

Wonderful idea!!
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james campbell wrote:

LightORamaDan wrote:
A number of people PMed me letting me know a number of different ways that people can monitor a website and be informed the moment something changes and what has changed. That puts the end of that way of doing it but there have been some different ideas and we have received a number of good ideas... Will try one of them out.


what about ways to catch who did it?

I know who did it, they put in an order all most immediately when the "hidden" pages were published to the website. This was long before 4:00 and when I was going to publish the links. Even if I published in one step they would still have the advantage. Nothing really that I can or should do about it. This person was smart enough to beat a system setup by someone who was not smart enought to know that for some people it was easy to beat.

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