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lor and ccr


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ok defintly need help..or i am beyond help..i can see how different comms works, but i have a slight issue with my computer, i only have one comm port, and the ccr takes over that, even though i can find both the Lor and CCR but only one will dance to the music, is there an easy fix for this? or will i need a computer tech to beat my comp up?

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I'm not sure if I understand the question, so this might not be an answer to what you're asking, but:

You can daisy chain controllers together, so that more than one are on the same comm port. For example, you could have a cable going from the adapter to the CCR, and then a cable going from the CCR to the other controller. Just make sure that the CCR and the other controller have different unit IDs.

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Thanks for that Bob, that sounds like it could the answer to my problem, I will give it a shot and post back the result.
cheers Ian

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Well I dont know how it happened, I did daisy chain the CCR and LOR controller before, tried different ways to get it, so i tried the way you said, still came up with two units, then shutdown LOR rebooted, came up with only one unit, so i thought time to play and see what happens, and well wouldnt you know it all lights are working as they should be.;) now its time to start working on different effects with the CCR
Thanks for you help Bob:D

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