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Something Lighter than Worrying about the Sale


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All this talk and concern about the sale, let's change the subject to something much lighter, THE U.S. ECONOMY, A SIMPLE EXPLANATION. Even I can understand this.

Why S&P downgraded the U.S.- this puts it in perspective...

• U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000

• Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000

• New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000

• National debt: $14,271,000,000,000

• Recent budget cut: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

• Annual family income: $21,700

• Money the family spent: $38,200

• New debt on the credit card: $16,500

• Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710

• Total budget cuts: $385

Hope this helps!

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Denny wrote:

• New debt on the credit card: $16,500

See...if I hadn't started with this hobby I would be jusssssst fine... :P
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That's funny, my wife just said..... I just wanted you to move the Halloween display from the front porch to the back yard. I didn't ask you to spent 1000's of dollars by buying all this......stuff

So I feel by comparing my expense of my added Halloween lights to the national debt, I feel pretty good about this.

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Just watched a doumentary about new york in the late 70's. Remember when they almost went bankrupt and the Fed bailed them out? Koch ran for Mayor and won simply by telling everyone you cant spend more than you make....had the budget balanced in3 years...no more problem

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My wife and I have a neighbor lady that we've become very good friends with, but there's one thing I can't figure out. She's very conservative with her money, but votes for liberals. I vote conservative and spend like a liberal. Don't figure :shock:

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