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The new model has an MP3 player input and detached speaker. How did owning last year's model of this get me sucked into LOR this year? How many more victims will get hooked this year?



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I think LightOrama is secretly releasing these things to get people addicted and wanting more. Look how many people started with something like this before jumping into LOR with both feet.

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I can't believe how much money I spent this year, and all I had to do was to go to HD and buy one of those?



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I got the Mr. Christmas one from Lowes last year... Within oh what 10 mins of the "show" running, I wanted more.. Hints why I got LOR... Who would of thought the $2k I spent on lights last year would have me spend $6k this year?! Darn addictive hobby! AND now I have another controller on the way for "next year".

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I started with the GE Lights and Sound of Christmas, had it a couple of years, then 1 LOR Controller in 2009, 6 in 2010, and now 9 Controllers and 2 CCR's this year. I am already planning on at least 3 more controllers for next year.

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Its beginning to feel like an AA meeting.....

"Hi everyone, I'm TJ"

"Hi TJ"

"Well, I started with this addiction about 4 years ago,.. I was told I could score good, so I met this guy in an alley behind a WalMart, he gave me one of those Lights & Sounds things.. said it would change my life.. Well... it did.. after "using".. just one time.. I was hooked, and I've been hooked ever since, I went on to harder and more expensive hits.. this one.. LOR.. its bad juju, man.. it'll make you abandon everything and everyone.. you'll spend your last dime on it.. or leds. I .. just... cant... .stop.... sequencing.... trust me.. when they say "its da bomb.." they aint kidding.."

"Well, welcome TJ.. your story is like everyone's here.. we all can relate.."

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mcompanik wrote:

I started with the GE Lights and Sound of Christmas, had it a couple of years, then 1 LOR Controller in 2009, 6 in 2010, and now 9 Controllers and 2 CCR's this year. I am already planning on at least 3 more controllers for next year.

That is me almost to a T...GE lights and Sounds for 2 years...then 2 controllers in 09. 4 controllers in 10 and now 10 Controllers for 2011. I also have 2 CCR's but leaving them in the box because the upgrading of my sequences from 64 to 160 channels is kicking my ass, and i KNOW the CCR's will push me over the edge of insanity...I don't even want to talk about the lights...the lights...its all I see when I go to sleep...and I need 28 new sets of lights for my arches, don't want to run the risk of using last years lights and having them go out on me...so new ones it is!
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