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How do (or Can) you save S2 Visualizer video?

TJ Hvasta

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Ok, I've seen some of you posting your S2 Visualizer video to show us your progress, etc.. how do you do that? I'm imagining is some sort of capture program you're using.. but how? I've got Win7 HomePrem, and LOR v2.9.4 loaded, but dont see anything like "save video"..



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It's going to be a screen capture program. There are quite a few out there.

From the technical 'nit-pick' department... Your asking about the animation view window. S2 has the animation window.

S3 will have the "Visualizer"

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I would too George, but I'm in a hotel in Salt Lake, the camera is back in Phoenix =( And I just discovered Jing, while good, doesnt save to .mpeg, .mpg, or .wmv.. so I either have to spring got the Pro version (only $15/yr tho) or find something else..

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

okeydokey, thanks, I'll look them over when I hit Milwaukee tonight.. up, up.. and awaaaaaayyyyyyy...

Just hold your laptop out the cockpit window. We'll all be looking up tonight.

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

okeydokey, thanks, I'll look them over when I hit Milwaukee tonight.. up, up.. and awaaaaaayyyyyyy...

Hey, it's Brian down the street (Higley).... Did you get a chance to see if any of those programs were any good while in Milwaukee :). I am looking for a program myself and bumped into this thread trying to see if the LOR folks had any recommendations.
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Jeff, I couldnt get WEE to install, said I had to have Net4.0, tried that, but I'm running 64bit W7HP and the Net4.0 would not install, needing other files.. are you using a 32 or 64bit OS to use WEE?

Nevermoind, just saw it's only for XP.. I've got 64bit W7 HP

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Jeff, I couldnt get WEE to install, said I had to have Net4.0, tried that, but I'm running 64bit W7HP and the Net4.0 would not install, needing other files.. are you using a 32 or 64bit OS to use WEE?

Nevermoind, just saw it's only for XP.. I've got 64bit W7 HP

I'm not sure if this helps, but I I had some time over the weekend and I was able to download WEE. I have windows 7 (64 bit) (don't think I have the HP feature). I too had to install Net4.0 and then I clicked on the install of WEE and followed the steps. I was up and running in less than 30 min. with my first video screen shots captured... and I'm not a techy guy.
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Hmmmm...interesting..I could naught get WEE ta install a'toll.. mus' be me Win7 64.. bu' others 'ad got it ta install.. mos' interestin', savvy?

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Hmmmm...interesting..I could naught get WEE ta install a'toll.. mus' be me Win7 64.. bu' others 'ad got it ta install.. mos' interestin', savvy?

hmmm...must be "Talk Like A Pirate Day"....
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