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Need your opinion

Guest Don Gillespie

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Guest Don Gillespie

I have a golf course owner who would like me to design his club house on the exterior for christmas lights, they don't want the lights to work with LOR they just want to pretty up their club house for the Christmas season, the reson I am looking for opinions is do I charge these people a consulting fee to design their club house lighting needs or do I waste my time and help them for free, my wife works at the golf course so it is a catch 22 senario, she is not going to work there after this season she is tired of the magement there, what would you do??, and much would you charge?? it is a large club house.

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Conflict of interest... However, if you live in a golfing community and are a part of the association. I would do it, so they wouldn't cause an issue with your display.
If not, then I would go with what Paul said..

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I would design it for them, for a fee. How much is your time worth? I would stipulate that your fee is for design only, and if they needed your help during setup, that work would be for an additional amount. This is a business, remember, and there is a cost to doing business. If the owner wants to decorate, it will cost.


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scubado wrote:

It could also lead to additional business

Yeah, depending on the course, there could be some wealthy but time-crunched members there.

Whatever you think your fee is, double or triple it. If they say "no", go back to working on your display. If they agree, enjoy the holiday bonus!
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Don, as an IT consultant I've been there too many times. I take the time to engineer, design, and flow chart how to get companies back up into this decade.
What I discovered is that the ones that are committed and want this to happen understand and will pay for the design time. The ones that are just looking for a price so they have a reason not to do it will not pay for the deign time.

Plus if you take the time to design and price it for them and hand them a blueprint, there is little recourse for you if they take your plans and pay someone else to implement then.

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