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downloade existing sequence


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I downloaded existing sequences from other members so I can learn (1st year).
Got the MP3 and created the .lms to save. So far so good. If a sequence has too many channels ( I only have 16) can I just delete the channels that I borrowed from others? What if I want to add channels to existing sequence...? I tried to do this but the lights will not come on... What do I do wrong? Thx

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First question... are you running Demo version of LOR, basic, basic plus, standard or advanced software???
The easiest way I know to delete channels is go to - Tools - Channel Property Grid - then just select channels you'd like to delete. Also notice in Channel Properties at the bottom you can add controller, delete controller and add channels.

As far as "lights not coming on" are you talking about Animation or lights connected to controller???

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Do not, do NOT, DO NOT delete the other channels!!! Just assign your controller to the channels you want!

Why naught kill them off?? Well, will you neva' use this sequence again? I shall bet you rum, you will use it again, when you add another controller, then you'll be sayin' (in Jack Sparrows voice) .. "Oh, if only I 'ad naught killed off th' othe' channels, I'd 'ave 'ad them ta use wit' me more controller-whattzitz.. savvy?"

Bottom line.. neva' remove channels 'mate.. jus' unassign them.. savvy? Unassign them all, then go thru an' pick th' sections you want, assign tha' line ta yer controller (number one, mos' likely), then fire away 'mate! Then, when, naught "if", ya add 'nother controller, merely choose another 16 lines o' tha' sequence, change them ta th' controller ya jus' added.. then.. an' so on, an' so on..

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digidutch wrote:

I downloaded existing sequences from other members so I can learn (1st year).
Got the MP3 and created the .lms to save. So far so good. If a sequence has too many channels ( I only have 16) can I just delete the channels that I borrowed from others? What if I want to add channels to existing sequence...? I tried to do this but the lights will not come on... What do I do wrong? Thx

Have you assigned the correct id's in your sequence to correlate with YOUR controllers?

If you are using someone elses' sequence you downloaded (as opposed to creating a new one and copying and pasting the channels into your own sequence), it will have the channels assigned for their controllers and display.
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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Do not, do NOT, DO NOT delete the other channels!!! Just assign your controller to the channels you want!

Why not kill them off?? Well, will you never use this sequence again? I will bet you money you will use it again, when you add another controller, then you'll be sayin' (in Jack Sparrows voice) .. "Oh, if only I 'ad naught killed off th' othe' channels, I'd 'ave 'ad them ta use wit' me more controller-whattzitz.. savvy?"

Bottom line.. neva' remove channels 'mate.. jus' unassign them.. savvy?

KILL THEM!! Just kidding!!! :D So even if the sequences belong to someone else you can't delete unused and add in new later if you gain more channels??? I'd think it would be less confusing that way...
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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Do not, do NOT, DO NOT delete the other channels!!! Just assign your controller to the channels you want!

Why naught kill them off?? Well, will you neva' use this sequence again? I shall bet you rum, you will use it again, when you add another controller, then you'll be sayin' (in Jack Sparrows voice) .. "Oh, if only I 'ad naught killed off th' othe' channels, I'd 'ave 'ad them ta use wit' me more controller-whattzitz.. savvy?"

Bottom line.. neva' remove channels 'mate.. jus' unassign them.. savvy? Unassign them all, then go thru an' pick th' sections you want, assign tha' line ta yer controller (number one, mos' likely), then fire away 'mate! Then, when, naught "if", ya add 'nother controller, merely choose another 16 lines o' tha' sequence, change them ta th' controller ya jus' added.. then.. an' so on, an' so on..

Why all this talk about deleting channels??

You should be creating a NEW sequence and Copying and Pasting the channels you want to use from the downloaded sequence into yours...that way you will ALWAYS have a copy of the original one you downloaded if and when you increase your channel count....
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jimswinder wrote:

TJ Hvasta wrote:
Do not, do NOT, DO NOT delete the other channels!!! Just assign your controller to the channels you want!

Why naught kill them off?? Well, will you neva' use this sequence again? I shall bet you rum, you will use it again, when you add another controller, then you'll be sayin' (in Jack Sparrows voice) .. "Oh, if only I 'ad naught killed off th' othe' channels, I'd 'ave 'ad them ta use wit' me more controller-whattzitz.. savvy?"

Bottom line.. neva' remove channels 'mate.. jus' unassign them.. savvy? Unassign them all, then go thru an' pick th' sections you want, assign tha' line ta yer controller (number one, mos' likely), then fire away 'mate! Then, when, naught "if", ya add 'nother controller, merely choose another 16 lines o' tha' sequence, change them ta th' controller ya jus' added.. then.. an' so on, an' so on..

Why all this talk about deleting channels??

You should be creating a NEW sequence and Copying and Pasting the channels you want to use from the downloaded sequence into yours...that way you will ALWAYS have a copy of the original one you downloaded if and when you increase your channel count....

My bad! I took the original post as not having anything and trying to create a baseline of channels... Good call!! Copy paste... WAY EASIER!!!!
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