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Deleting tracks?


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This is my first year using tracks. I have it split into 10 tracks. One is a master track with everything in it. I want to clean it all up on the songs I am done with and delete all the tracks except the master. I click on the track hit the delete track button and it just stops working. I tried deleting one channel at a time in a given track same thing it locks up any ideas. I am running 2.9,4
Thanks in advance
Don C.

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This is a bug which was identified and fixed in S3 beta.
In case LOR Bob doesn't see it, I will send him a link to this post. Can you hold until S3 is released?

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There is a way to remove the tracks via a text editor.

If you'd like, you can email me the sequence (or an LCC) and I'll do it. don synchronizedchristmas dot com

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Thanks a lot Don. I received the file it is all good and opened with no problem. I am glad I am part of the LOR family. Awesome support for each other.
Thanks again
Don C.

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