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Light-O-Rama and Planet Christmas?

I sometimes see them together on packaging, and other times it's one or the other. I came to this place through Light-O-Rama, and not quite sure what the relationship is with Planet Christmas.

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I see today is a history lesson day. (Already given one history lesson on another thread today.)

Once upon a time, oh, about 10 years go, there was a website called PlanetChristmas. Many people came together there to talk about Christmas lighting. (Worth noting that PC's creator had a computerized display looong ago.)

In the early 2000's people started to get the idea they wanted to do this to. So, ideas were thrown about, and DIY solutions were found. Dan Baldwin joined the PC boards and wanted to do the same thing. However, he turned his idea into a company.

For a while these forums were actually found on the PC Forums. Each vendor (Animated Lighting, Vixen, Dasher, DLights) all had their own areas of the forum to talk about their product. At some point the vendors were moved to their own forums.

One of the ideas that was coming up often in the PC forums was the idea of a lower cost controller, without so many of the bells and whistles. This, the DIY boards were born. I can only venture a guess that they are called the "PC" boards as that is where the idea was born. (See this page for more: http://store.lightorama.com/ctb16pcpage.html )

As for why any of the PC products (From the link above) might have different labeling, I wouldn't have a good answer for that. I'd suspect it's nothing more than they ran out of labels before more arrived. *Shrug*

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rhino wrote:

Thank you, Don! So, is "Dan Baldwin = LOR?"

(Sorry for the naive-ness.)

According to the About Us page, he's the CEO.

But, yes, Dan is the man who started LOR.
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So Chuck Smith, whom I understand to still be the leader of planet christmas, what is is connection with LOR? Purely, supporting the forums? Paid employee of LOR?

Obviously, Dan has the technical/engineering chops to do what he did, is Chuck just as technically experienced/savvy, or is he more a non-technical idea guy?

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DonFL wrote:

So Chuck Smith, whom I understand to still be the leader of planet christmas, what is is connection with LOR? Purely, supporting the forums? Paid employee of LOR?

Obviously, Dan has the technical/engineering chops to do what he did, is Chuck just as technically experienced/savvy, or is he more a non-technical idea guy?

Well, Chuck was doing Christmas lights with computers in 1984.

To me, that qualifies as tech savvy.
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Don wrote:

DonFL wrote:
So Chuck Smith, whom I understand to still be the leader of planet christmas, what is is connection with LOR? Purely, supporting the forums? Paid employee of LOR?

Obviously, Dan has the technical/engineering chops to do what he did, is Chuck just as technically experienced/savvy, or is he more a non-technical idea guy?

Well, Chuck was doing Christmas lights with computers in 1984.

To me, that qualifies as tech savvy.
Ok, so what is his relationship with LOR? Is he part of the company in some way?
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DonFL wrote:

Ok, so what is his relationship with LOR? Is he part of the company in some way?

I do not know if it is a paid position. However, Chuck does assist/run the LOR Partner program. They haven't told the Partner's who makes the final decisions, but I would suspect that Dan would have the final call on anything related to LOR.

FWIW: Dan has the final call on the forums. So any action/non-action here goes to/through him. He makes the decisions for the forums.

I'm going to regret asking this ... but what's the source of the curiosity?
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Does that really matter?

Rhino asked the original question, I think it is something that is interesting information, and once you offered up a "history lesson", it prompts questions.

My question would be..is that an issue?

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Sorry if I opened a can of worms. Didn't mean to. Just wanting to try to put all these websites, forums, companies in some sort of order, or context. For a newbie like myself, it's quite overwhelming, and just trying to arrange the mess in my head to straighten things out. If one knows how things work (administratively, too), it makes the process more enjoyable and straightforward. That's all. Nothing more than that from me.

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rhino wrote:

Sorry if I opened a can of worms. Didn't mean to. Just wanting to try to put all these websites, forums, companies in some sort of order, or context. For a newbie like myself, it's quite overwhelming, and just trying to arrange the mess in my head to straighten things out. If one knows how things work (administratively, too), it makes the process more enjoyable and straightforward. That's all. Nothing more than that from me.

You didn't--I did, I guess, by asking too much.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread..sorry.
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I think in the coffee shop forum there's a thread that Dan wrote that gives more detail about how it all started. I tried to find it, but didn't have any luck.

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DonFL wrote:

rhino wrote:
Sorry if I opened a can of worms. Didn't mean to. Just wanting to try to put all these websites, forums, companies in some sort of order, or context. For a newbie like myself, it's quite overwhelming, and just trying to arrange the mess in my head to straighten things out. If one knows how things work (administratively, too), it makes the process more enjoyable and straightforward. That's all. Nothing more than that from me.

You didn't--I did, I guess, by asking too much.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread..sorry.

No worries about hijacking. I learned something. You're all good.

I just don't the right questions to ask, like "who is Chuck?" (I got it now, sorta'.)
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