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Beta Testers


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trankin79 wrote:

How does one become a beta tester?

Beta tester invites are handled by Dan (support@lightorama.com)

It's all up to him. There is no known application process at this time.
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WayneKremer wrote:

How does one become a beta tester?

Blackmail and kickbacks my friend...blackmail and kickbacks...

I know you joking, and others may know your joking ... but not everyone will know.

So, just to be clear, Wayne's comment is a joke.
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Guest wbottomley

WayneKremer wrote:

How does one become a beta tester?

Blackmail and kickbacks my friend...blackmail and kickbacks...

How do you think I got up to 50 controllers so quickly? :P
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The seemingly endless hours and monthly 'insurance' charges don't bother me so much. Its filling out those dreaded TPS reports that gets me the most.

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But Bob, did you get a copy of that memo? I'll make sure you get a copy of it. Yeah

Funny, I just watched that movie last week.

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Don wrote:

WayneKremer wrote:
How does one become a beta tester?

Blackmail and kickbacks my friend...blackmail and kickbacks...

I know you joking, and others may know your joking ... but not everyone will know.

So, just to be clear, Wayne's comment is a joke.

You mean I have bought those 35 controllers for NOTHING??!?!?!
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jimswinder wrote:

You mean I have bought those 35 controllers for NOTHING??!?!?!

Well, if you got 'em for NOTHING how about if you sell me ten of them for $25 each - I'll even pay the shipping - and then you can get some more for nothing to replace the ones you sold me?
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DaveK wrote:

“Controllers for nothing and our chicks for free.  I want my L-O-R.”  (All due apologies to Dire Straits for the unabashed plagiarization)

My vote for post of the week! :D:D:D
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wbottomley wrote:

Did all of the beta testers get their sample of CCB's yesterday? I'm trying to figure out how to program them.

My shipping notice indicates Tue delivery. Dang holiday weekend!
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wbottomley wrote:

Did all of the beta testers get their sample of CCB's yesterday? I'm trying to figure out how to program them.

wow...Dan must like me...got my shipping notice too!!!
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wbottomley wrote:

Did all of the beta testers get their sample of CCB's yesterday? I'm trying to figure out how to program them.

I have had mine as long as the auto sequencer, they program just like my ccr's:D
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wbottomley wrote:

Did all of the beta testers get their sample of CCB's yesterday? I'm trying to figure out how to program them.


you've never programed a CCR??

you gave yourself away...
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Jeff Millard wrote:

Did you guys get those goofy big ones, or the button style? I like the smaller more compact ones. Pushing it through black painted coro is just like a high tech Light_Bright!

Check out Jim fibbin' about getting some... HA! That's funny!


Check out Jeff fibbin...

Pretending he got TWO types of CCB's!!! :(

Got pics???? Anyone???
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