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Problem with LOR

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I just purchased three * 1602W systems and spent the past week pluging everything in and creating a sequence.

I have run into a strange problem with one of the three units that I have not been able to debug.

The units all power up and I am able to communicate to all three via the Hardware Utility. The problem is with Unit 1 when I try to power all the attached lights they briefly (0.2 seconds) go on and then all go off. I thought it might be amperage so I checked with a clamp meter and am only pulling 12.8 AMPS and no single circuit is more then 3 AMPS (the unit is connected to two dedicated 20 AMP feeder circuits). So there goes that theory.

I then went and individualy turned the lights on in the Hardware Utility and they all work. When I add them one by one to the test it seems to fail when I add two specific circuits. I then thought I might have some bad mini light strings on the circuit so I removed them from the extension cord and had the same result. I then thought maybe bad extension cords so I removed them from LOR. Same result. When I add these two channels (5&6) without any load part of the system goes off (no blown fuses or circuits) for a few seconds.

These two circuit work fine on their own but only when the system is loaded do they cause problems.

I have removed these two channels from my LOR music sequence and everything works fine. When I add them back in to the music sequence part of the LOR unit dies, some lights stay on, for a few seconds under heavy load (12 Amps) but all other connected LOR boxes work fine and LOR 1 comes back when the load goes down. I did notice that the LED in the unit goes from a steady on to a blinking state when the system stumbles and then resumes to constant on when it goes back to normal.

I just don't understand how two circuits can cause the whole unit to get a brain fart when they are on in a LOR sequence with no load on them.

Any help is much appreciated!



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Do a reset on the LOR unit. I had a similar experience. Dan helped me through a reset and cleared the problem. To perform the reset power off the unit, set the address to 00, power on for a few seconds, power off and set the address back. See if that helps, if not, contact Dan and he may be able to help you further.

>> Bill

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Well I let the show run for the last hour. I went out to discover that Unit 1 was dead (No blown fuse or curcuit) and I had to power cycle to get it running again.

Once I power cycled, LOR 2 & 3 were no longer running the music sequence and it seems I have no connectivity between 1 and 2 (red LED is steady on 1 and blinking on 2). The hardware utility does not see LOR 2 & 3.

I have tried reseting but no luck yet.



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It seems I have lost communication from the data out port on LOR 1. I can connect via the cable to LOR 2 and via the Hardware Utility I can communicate with LOR 2 & LOR 3.

Dan any ideas????




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Dan might have some help for you. I also have a little gremlin in my system that I'm trying to track down. My music starts skipping during the songs. I have not had much troubleshooting time lately and have not been able to do too much with it. I am suspecting a noisy network cable. LOR runs and sounds correctly without the sc485 connected, but as soon as the sc485 is connected to it, it starts random skips (like bumping a cd player while playing). I need to track this down, and will have another chance tomorrow. These issues could be related, and could be as simple as a bad network cable.

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Bill thanks for the tips. I have tried three different cables and no luck from LOR 1 to LOR 2. They all work fine if I go straight from the PC to LOR 2.

Good luck with your problem!



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Well, I found my little gremlin. It turns out that it is not related to LOR in any way. I am using Otsdj to run the radio setup, and use it's "live audio" to play the show feed during show times. The glitching and small delay were actually coming from that setup. I have redesigned my feed to go directly to the mixer before the transmitter to clear the problem rather than using the Otsdj's live option. I still use Otsdj for the radio feed without trouble, and my entire setup with LOR, the radio station, and the virtual santa is completely automatic this year. yeah! I can leave the house over the weekend and feel secure that the show will go on. (yes, the computers are on a UPS!).

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