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Strange fade


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When working on a sequence with my new midi tree and fade the channel from 100% to 0%, 0n the left side ,where the channels are listed, the color seems to jump. 16 channels for this tree, 8 red, 8 green, the 8 red appears to not fade smoothly, but the 8 green are fine. Tried changing colors of the red to a different color, it did the same thing. Any ideas?? Or is it something not to worry about. This will be a new controller so I can not hook it up and test it now. All channels assigned to a controller,2.9.4, Windows XP. The channels would be 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15.

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At about the middle of the fade there is a split second that appears to be full on. It is a 2 second fade.

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The only way to know if it is simply a channel name artifact/glitch of some kind or a real-world problem is to hook up a controller and some lights. I suspect it's just an artifcat though. Does it by chance occur when the screen scrolls forward during playback?

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I have ran it several times, and I don't see it on my machine. The blue arch and Red new channel (looks like a wheel) both fade smoothly and perfectly from what I can see between 30-50 second marks.

I do see some artifacts on the TOT Channels, there are quite a few, and those will absolutely cause an issue. The more I look, I see more of these on the TOT channels.

Just change your timing grid so you can get rid of them.

One of the things that can happen is with a copy/paste and/or changing the timing grid. You just need to get back to another grid where you can delete just the klingon, and leave the ramp/fade alone.

I had this happening on an RGB channel and I could not figure out what I had done... till I enlarged the work area vertically and horizontally, and then I could see the problem. When the fades get down to a percent or two, they are hard to detect without enlarging them.

Attached files 256696=14126-Capture.JPG

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Well heck, maybe it is just my old eyes playing tricks on me. Thanks for looking. BTW, what are "artifacts" in reference to a sequence?

Edit: The blurp in the fade is not in the vis, but in the channel name on the left. Don't know if that is what you were looking at.

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No problem.

Artifacts are little bits of on/off or fades that stick around.

One way I always end up doing it, is having fade turned on, then I click on a spot to start playing the sequence, then I forgot I had fade on, and it puts a little .10 or whatever fade.

The other way is when you have say a fade, and at the very end where it is very small, you may not have selected it all. Then that little bit left would be an artifact.

There are a bunch of ways of doing this accidentally, so you always need to go back and make sure it is cleaned up at the end.

If you see an artifact, one way to clean it up, is to turn the area off, then re create or re paste the fade you were trying. This almost always clears those problems up

I was not seeing any blips at all on your fades. But I did see those artifacts in the actual sequence.

If you have another computer, you might try it on that one.

Is your system slow at all? What version of Windows do you have, and how much RAM? I am wondering if it is a lagging issue in some spots. I just don't see the jump on mine at all.

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