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doityourselfchristmas.com account suspended?


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Hey all,

Tonight I recieved a screen that says "Account Suspended" when trying to connect to doityourselfchristmas.com. Have no idea why. Not sure I ever have posted to this site. Of course I can' t even find out who what why of the suspension because I can't even see the site. Any ideas??


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Jeff, I do go to diychristmas forums. When I tried to sign in after I saw your post I got the same error. Not sire what the deal is. You must have signed up there at some point and time. I guess!

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DIYC is having major bandwidth issues, which is why the forum has been so slow lately. Macrosill posted regarding what the membership wants as far as changes to help with the issue. That forum sees ridiculous traffic...I am going to assume far more than here...and now they are having issues. Here is what he posted...

So the day has come that we have grown so large we can no longer go on hosting this site on a shared hosting service. We have too much data, and so many visitors that we gobble more bandwidth in a month than most sites use in a year.

I am looking at a number of ideas to help ease costs. People have suggested adding higher levels of Supporting Memberships. I think it may be useful but would like some input. What privileges would you guys like to see in a higher level of support? Larger PM box? Only Supporters can run Group Buys? Shorter search intervals. Custom user titles? DIYC email addresses? Maybe an entire new support structure? Maybe a private forum or forums that only Supporting Members can access?

I am also considering adding some ads to the site that will only be seen by non-supporting members. I did not want to put adds anywhere but it seems it may be necessary and if you do not like ads then you can support and solve the issue.

You can PM your suggestions if you would rather not post them in this thread.

I am looking into maybe setting up an advisory committee for this. If you would like to be considered and have the time and are willing to put in the effort send me a PM about it.

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Hi Donny! Yeah, I signed up and I have it as a homepage when I hit the internet. I just don't know why in the world I get an account suspended.

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Thanks Greg. Not sure how I missed that post. Must have been playing with my new floods. :)

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I am getting the same thing. I am sure that it is a hick up i their system and not everyone is suspended. No way that I know of right off to contact them since all that information is on the site. Need that site for the wikis they have as I am sure others do too.

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For me, I starting getting the Account Suspended some time last night. It is hard to believe that it is still going on and that Brian has not go it back up and running. Very strange!

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Same here..I visit the site a couple times a month, caches are cleared, tried several machines, still no access.

Doesn't seem like this is an old ip/new ip/cached issue.

Guess its worth waiting a few days to see if it clears..its not like this is happening on the LOR board..at that point, it would be sheer panic..:shock:

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If your still having issues, try this...

Close all browsers.
Click Start > Run > CMD (Windows 7 just type CMD in the search box and hit enter)
In the command (DOS) window, type: ipconfig /flushdns

Close the command window, open your browser, and try the site again.

If it still doesn't work, there is something wrong with your user account. :D

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It's entirely possible that your internet provider has the old info in their cache. That being the case you could try changing your DNS servers to google’s ( & or give it a few days for the cache to expire and pick up the changes.
Here is the link on how to change your DNS http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html

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