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Halloween Video Window Projection


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I have purchases several Halloween videos in the past and I just purchased a new one Halloween Scary Window by Director Jones.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkoFcXeGN0c to see video

http://cgi.ebay.com/190523538210?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fjewelry.shop.ebay.com%3A80%2Fi.html%3F_nkw%3D190523538210%26_sacat%3D10968%26_odkw%3D%26_osacat%3D10968%26_trksid%3Dp3286.c0.m270.l1313%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 to purchase video

I am also interested in other Halloween videos that will crank it up a notch that are not in the $1000+ cost area.

Comments, reviews, suggestions would be greatly appreciated along with where you can purchase the videos would be great if you have that information.

Attached files 254479=13938-Scary Window.jpg

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Why not just create your own from Halloween video clips? That is if you have the capability to record video to your computer, then burn it to a DVD, or to an AVI file, since I think most of these projectors actually read a data disc with AVI type files on them.

You could create your own using horror movie vid clips from movies you may own, create them from animated GIF files, I use a commercial video editor that allows me to add animated gif files and then save it out as an video file, of which I can also add an audio track too as well. But I can also montage animated GIF and live movie video files as well.

Yes, takes time and effort, and some software to manipulate things, but when I finally purchase a "holiday" projector that allows live animation like the Virtual Santa, I plan on creating my own video/audio clips to use in the projector.

Like you, I can't see paying $1,000 for something like this. Although I've seen some on the net for a little as $100.00, but that's still more than what I want to pay when I can just create my own from what I have in my own library!

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That is an excellent suggestion. My father donated a computer to me a while back that I believe has all of the editing capabilities needed to do such a project. It is just a matter of time. I would need to learn the software and how to edit the needed items to get the final effect.

I guess that is why I am where I am now. Having never been satisfied with off the shelf products or light shows so I have taken on creating my own.

Creating my own video effects may be where I wind up. I just do not have the time right now to take on such a project. I am still trying to decided how many controllers to purchase to punch up last years show without having to invest a lot a time into it this year since I am so short on time these days.

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todd, I started to make a video. and it got corrupted. Orville help me figure out why I couldn't save it. but the damage was done. so I lost the entire time i spent clipping and making my video. but here's what it looked like on my show pc.

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MikeH wrote:

Got all those in my favorites for later when I can buy a virtual projector and get some of their pre-made videos. I actually like the hallowindow site the best. They have some really great pricing on their vids that wouldn't put one in the poorhouse!:cool:
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Orville wrote:

MikeH wrote:

Got all those in my favorites for later when I can buy a virtual projector and get some of their pre-made videos. I actually like the hallowindow site the best. They have some really great pricing on their vids that wouldn't put one in the poorhouse!:cool:

I'm waiting on someone to buy the Ultraprojector and give us a review on how good it is.

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I bought a higher end projector for my window. I have come to the conclusion though that you do not need a high end projector. They all seem to work pretty well. When the lamp goes out that is where your real cost comes in like 90% of the cost. Most often you can purchase a new projector cheaper than you replace the lamp.

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MikeH wrote:

I purchased a couple of videos from twisted ambience last year.


Virtual jack o lantern and Tombstones of the undead.

I found that they were kid friendly videos but did not have the edge I wanted for the older crowd. The cost on these videos were very reasonable.
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MikeH wrote:

I'm waiting on someone to buy the Ultraprojector and give us a review on how good it is.


Where can I find the ultraprojector? I think I saw it before, but lost that link. I'm thinking that was one I was thinking of getting but couldn't remember it's name or where I saw it.
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Orville wrote:

MikeH wrote:
I'm waiting on someone to buy the Ultraprojector and give us a review on how good it is.


Where can I find the ultraprojector? I think I saw it before, but lost that link. I'm thinking that was one I was thinking of getting but couldn't remember it's name or where I saw it.


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MikeH wrote:

Orville wrote:
MikeH wrote:
I'm waiting on someone to buy the Ultraprojector and give us a review on how good it is.


Where can I find the ultraprojector? I think I saw it before, but lost that link. I'm thinking that was one I was thinking of getting but couldn't remember it's name or where I saw it.



Thanks for the link Mike! Yep, that IS the projector I am considering, mainly because it is L.E.D. based and very unlikely to require a replacement bulb, I know L.E.D.'s can and do burn out at times, just usually not as quickly as an incandescent, plus they require lower power to operate and don't get RED HOT like incandescent bulbs, well, not if they are manufactured correctly. I have some "original" L.E.D. night light bulbs I bought when they first came out and these particular L.E.D. bulbs (C7 type base) get so hot to the touch you can't even hold them, and a L.E.D. bulb SHOULD NEVER get that hot to the touch.

But that is definitely the projector I actually want to buy and try. And also to see how well it does being L.E.D. based. If I'm able to get one, I'll definitely post my findings on how it held up, how bright the L.E.D. is and how well or bad it displayed the videoes. And anything else that would help others to want to buy or not buy one.

So thanks again for the link. Bookmarked it again and hope it stays this time!
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I keep adding lights and channels every year to my display. However hands down the most feed back I get on my displays every year is my halo-graphic displays every year. It is really hard to beat and really easy to setup and use.

I have gotten so much mileage from my window videos that I may add a 2nd and even 3rd projector system to different windows in the same room setup. Each window has a door beside it so I could have live props come out of each door with the video setting things up. I am really thinking about doing a zombie apocalypse video in each window and then have zombies come out the door after the trick or treaters.

A little painters plastic in the window and a projector with a DVD player or computer and you are in business.

I love all of the feedback on this form and the resources everyone is willing to share information to help each other have a better show.
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  • 3 weeks later...

i have the ultra projectoe it works very good easy to use i using a shower curton liner for a screen using it inside very good pitcure from outside the window

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james morris wrote:

i have the ultra projectoe it works very good easy to use i using a shower curton liner for a screen using it inside very good pitcure from outside the window

Can you stream to the projector, say like stream a video from the computer to the projector? Or does it have to be on a memory card?

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The tombstones DVD looks kinda cool. Are they to be projected onto physical tombstone props, or are they just viewed on a TV?

Seems like the fog would be problematic, revealing a hard edge to the projected area as it reaches the window limits.

But I see what you mean about them not having the right edge.

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