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Importing channel config


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I am adding 5 new controllers this year. My question is on all my existing sequences I have timing marks spread out through the each sequence in a different location. Like for example one song has a timing mark between two arches and on another song the mark is above my mini trees. When i create a new channel config everytime I try to add it to a song it is erasing my marks and adding them to another element. If it helps I am also deleting channels as well. I am basically only keeping about 35 channels of my old 90 channels and changing all the rest.

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I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. But from what you describe, my suggestion is to start over from scratch. Sounds like it will be a lot quicker and easier to copy and paste your existing programming for those channels you're saving into a new sequence. You can also copy and paste the timing marks from your old sequence into a new one if you want to keep using them.

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