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Saving lms sequence file

Bob bohannon

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I would like some help from some one at LOR with your program S2 Ver. 2.8.4 running on windows 7 Prof. I can save an llc, las file but not the lms. As you can see from the other question in this forum "error in saving sequence". I can create a new seqence but can not open an old one that has an ext. with lms.

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bobbert wrote:

I would like some help from some one at LOR with your program S2 Ver. 2.8.4 running on windows 7 Prof. I can save an llc, las file but not the lms. As you can see from the other question in this forum "error in saving sequence". I can create a new seqence but can not open an old one that has an ext. with lms.

First, an LCC file is a channel configuration file, which can be generated from any sequence.

An LAS file is an "Animation" file.
A LMS is a "Musical" file.

To save your LAS file in LMS format, go to "Edit -> Media File" and select a musical file. You can then save it as a LMS file.
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I have tried that, but everytime I do that
I get this message:
error saving file... do you want to save antoher file name?

Detail Invalid procedure call or argument.
You can do that but when I try to reopen it I still get that message.

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Create a new musical sequence with the audio you wish to use.

Import your channel configuration using the LCC file.

The copy/paste your events and timings from the LAS file into the LMS file.

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Don I have done all of that. Since I upgrading to ver. 2.9.4 I can do everything but save any lms file. Throught that if I unstalled and went back to 2.8 all would be well, not a chance, it does the same thing in it also.

I was tring to get a head start on add more channels this year, but looks like the old stuff will have to do for now.

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