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Song titles to excel


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There are a lot of things which can be done to log. I love this kind of stuff and will try to help. But at the moment I dont know of anyway to cause excel to notice the change and pull it in.

Maybe if you tell me the total project. Is excel being used to pass the data somewhere else? Or you want to use excel as a repository for what played?

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I have some digital signage software that i will be using. it will have a countdown till Christmas web info but i wanted to also have a page to show what song is playing and i can link data to and from excel into the signage software. I could also pull it form rss and or outlook but i don't think they would be useful..

I can also trigger events on the LCD i am using form the data that is in excel (videos or other playlist items). it will work great if i can get the data into excel..

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That sounds pretty cool! I want to see that sign!
Excel may be the least friendly option though.

For ALL of your options you will be starting with a DOS command line since that is all LOR does.
Usually you will ECHO the playing song into a text file.
If your software periodically looks for a new RSS file.... You can simply echo into that skipping excel.

Is this sign software publicly available? I will look at the documentation for you.

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The software is called Moxie you can find it at www.omnivex.com

it is not free by any stretch but we are a CSV of theirs so i have a demo copy they let me use for customer demos and I borrow it during the month of December

I can pull RSS feeds easily thanks for the I can do all the same things with that

guess i better learn how to do the DOS

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I will defiantly post pictures when they it is ready and maybe some intermediate pic's as well

I had a basic version running last year Just had a Christmas countdown and a couple other things but I did not use any triggers

I am not that good with .bat files
I can get the song title form LOR to the .bat file and with very basic code get it to a .xml file but the file only has the song title in it. I cant seam to get all the headers my linking software needs to read so I can pull it into my signage software..

I am sure it is simple but I don't know what it is..

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thanks for your help pointing me in the right direction. I did get it working and now the fun part begins..

I used this for the windows shell command

[... Removed by LOR. Image did not post ...]

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Sorry about the last post

apparently it did not work well

I just wanted to paste my code in but apparently the form did not like it..

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