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Mini trees- odd vs even numbers


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I thought this might be an interesting survey and maybe helpful to the newbies.

Any particular thoughts as to why you went with odd or even?

I was planning on doing a 7 segment arch this year but decided I would get more ideas and light out of minis instead.

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were all about balance (ying yang thingie)
Straight line, 16 because just easier to use a full controller in the middle of the row for extension cord purposes.

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I agree with using the controller. I have 8 two foot and 8 four foot trees that are wrapped green and red. Just makes it easy laying out the boxes and channels.

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jimswinder wrote:

same as arches...ODD number

Good advice - I wish I had followed it. Before I knew any better, I did 12. Then the next year I went to 24. Then 18. Now I'm some 70 songs into this mess and I'm not looking forward to re-doing all that sequencing again. But if I was starting from scratch I'd go with an odd number for the same reasons as I advocate odd for poles and arches - the increased sequencing options.
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George Simmons wrote:

jimswinder wrote:
same as arches...ODD number

Good advice - I wish I had followed it. Before I knew any better, I did 12. Then the next year I went to 24. Then 18. Now I'm some 70 songs into this mess and I'm not looking forward to re-doing all that sequencing again. But if I was starting from scratch I'd go with an odd number for the same reasons as I advocate odd for poles and arches - the increased sequencing options.
I have read all over this forum about odd numbers but don't totally understand the significance or doing that. I am Polish so give me an answer so easy "a caveman can understand it".
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caniac wrote:

George Simmons wrote:
jimswinder wrote:
same as arches...ODD number

Good advice - I wish I had followed it. Before I knew any better, I did 12. Then the next year I went to 24. Then 18. Now I'm some 70 songs into this mess and I'm not looking forward to re-doing all that sequencing again. But if I was starting from scratch I'd go with an odd number for the same reasons as I advocate odd for poles and arches - the increased sequencing options.
I have read all over this forum about odd numbers but don't totally understand the significance or doing that. I am Polish so give me an answer so easy "a caveman can understand it".

For one, on arches the flow is right across the top rather than a split right at the middle of the top. Hope that makes sense.
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odd number of mini trees, used along the driveway 3 and 4 on each side. the driveway isnt even at the top thats why only 7.

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I have 8 mini's in a row. Each wrapped with Blue, White, Red and Green. A walkway runs right down the middle between 4 and 5. I use 2 controllers so I can control each color on each tree independently.

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caniac wrote:

I am Polish so give me an answer so easy "a caveman can understand it".

I'll... try... to... talk... slow... for... you.

Oh heck, that would just put me to sleep. Go get your wife and let her translate.

Pete's got it. Having a single channel directly in the middle makes center-out/center-in patterns more visually appealing (to me at least). I have eight arches, seven channels each and I display them in a row. (Why eight? That's all I have room for, and at this point other display elements would look awkward if the number of arches were different.) Being able to light the top center of each arch in succession is an option I like. Same with poles - having a lighted pole condense in to a single point in the center is a much more dramatic effect with only one channel as the center "vanishing point" so to speak. People have certainly done excellent things with even numbers, but I personally prefer giving mysellf the greatest number of options for sequencing. YMMV
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Jeff Millard wrote:

I ended up with an odd number of channels because the trees were laid out in a triangle. 1+2+3+4+5=15. I could've done like he who I copied the idea from and placed another tree above the traingle for a nice even # full controller... but then where would I have gotten the spare channel to power the "Tune to" sign?


Unless you copied that from me, get back to Beta testing mister!:)
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Guest Don Gillespie

shfr26 wrote:

For one, on arches the flow is right across the top rather than a split right at the middle of the top. Hope that makes sense.

I am with Pete on this the arches work out pewrfectly with the centre on being on top with an odd # of 7 I like odd thats because I am odd LOL
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Jeff Millard wrote:

shfr26 wrote:
Unless you copied that from me, get back to Beta testing mister!:D

Well, let's see... I had 15 LOR controlled mini trees in a triangle in my 2006 display...:D


And I have 12 mini trees. Just kind of worked out that way.
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Jeff Millard wrote:

shfr26 wrote:
Unless you copied that from me, get back to Beta testing mister!:D

Well, let's see... I had 15 LOR controlled mini trees in a triangle in my 2006 display...:D


Not me then, in 2006 I didn't even know how to spell LOR!
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George Simmons wrote:

caniac wrote:
I am Polish so give me an answer so easy "a caveman can understand it".

I'll... try... to... talk... slow... for... you.

Oh heck, that would just put me to sleep. Go get your wife and let her translate.

Pete's got it. Having a single channel directly in the middle makes center-out/center-in patterns more visually appealing (to me at least). I have eight arches, seven channels each and I display them in a row. (Why eight? That's all I have room for, and at this point other display elements would look awkward if the number of arches were different.) Being able to light the top center of each arch in succession is an option I like. Same with poles - having a lighted pole condense in to a single point in the center is a much more dramatic effect with only one channel as the center "vanishing point" so to speak. People have certainly done excellent things with even numbers, but I personally prefer giving myself the greatest number of options for sequencing. YMMV
well I read it really really slow, then had her translate so now i get it!! I so Mart!!!
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caniac wrote:

well I read it really really slow, then had her translate so now i get it!! I so Mart!!!

Love your new avatar!!!

I always thought the Dinosaurs TV show was WAAAY ahead of it's time..I was sorry it had such a short run...

But then again, it was created by the genius behind the Muppet's...Jim Henson

Gotta Love Me!!

Attached files 254025=13892-dinosaurs.jpg
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I've always used odd numbers because I like a center channel when I'm programming. My display is so big I can always find a use for the extra channels.

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