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Another Gray Hair for Dan

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I have one control box (8 channel) that seems to be developing a problem. Let me set the scene.

16 channels (2 eights)
show running music with no lights in sequences
lights all on at 80% in a background sequence
box 2 has 100' of cat5 running to it.

Things have run about flawlessly for the first two weeks (other than operator created troubles....and x10) But a few nights ago I noticed that Box 2 will sometimes kind of do a slow shimmer randomly during a couple songs. And would stop when another song started. It seems to be doing it more and more often the last couple nights. The first night I thought it might be a power issue with the dishwasher running, but I ruled that out.

Thought I would ask if this was a known issue with a solution .


EDIT: I just read in another post about reseting the box. I will try that to see if it makes a difference.

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Unless your units are CTB08D or LOR800W Model 2 then you will not be able to reset the unit.

What type of units do you have?

EDIT: By the way... I will be happy to take a hair (gray or any other color)...

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