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12V Transformer Dimmable?


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I have a 12V transformer that I use for outdoor lighting and was wondering if I can use it in my LOR display. I want to dim the lights attached to the transformer. It came in a kit that I bought from Home Depot.

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According to my friend who works in the electrical dpt of Home Depot, the transformers that they sell are putting out 16v AC and can not be dimmed on the 120 side without damaging the transformer.
You picked the right day to ask the question as he is here :P

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I have been to HD recently and I didn't see the the one I bought at least 5-6 years ago. I'm hoping the x-formers they are selling now are different than the one I have.

I have to admit, I did have the x-former hooked up to LOR a couple months ago and it did dim and turn on and off. I guess my question should have been, will dimming the x-fromer damage it?

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I used 4 Intermatic 300 watt 12volt AC transformers loaded to capacity, in sequences with slow fades and some with very aggressive on/off cycling. They are still going strong after two seasons of use. The clock timer motor was the only thing that didn't seem to like the dimming so I disconnected them...

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Always remember that the Malibu/Intermatic transformers that are currently out now put out AC voltage. Not DC.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

bhays wrote:
You could always dim the 12V side using an LOR DC controller.

If it happens to be that the secondary (12v side) is A/C, you can dim the 12V side using a standard LOR Triac controller, using channels 1-8. The LOR controllers are powered by the 9-16 channel side. So, you can power 9-16 normally with 120Vac, and connect the output of the 12AC power supply to the power input of channels 1-8, then connect your low voltage lights to the channels outputs and it will work fine. I have one controller connected this way every year.


Now THAT is a great idea, had never ever thought of having that option. I'm controlling my LED landscape floods with a DC board, taking my lighting xfrmr completely out of it, but this would also be another way to do it...

One of those "yea, makes perfect sense" ideas after you hear the suggestion.

Thank you!!
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Magnetic transformers can be "dimmed" but as said if there is a timer you need to disable it. You might want to derate it a bit as well.

This is not the case with "electronic" transformers unless they have been designed to.

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