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Light-O-Rama Forums

How do I dreate a sequence template

Leroy Thompson

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I am trying to use tapper. I want to create a template from a revised lighting layout and then use it as a template in tapper for a new song. How do I do this?

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Open a new musical sequence. Import your channel config. Save the new file. Call it Tapper Template (or whatever you'd like to call it). It's done. Now when you begin tapping, save it as some new name (I like to call it YYYYsongname, yyyy being the year, like 2011HolyNight). Then when you want to do another song, just open up your template file and begin tapping again...


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I dont' even know how to import a configuration. You're talking to a real dummy newbie. I openned a new file and when clicked on import that function was not available so I'm dead in the water. What do I do?

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Open a new sequence. Build the channel configuration that you want for the revised lighting layout. You will also want to build your animation screen at this time. When you have the channels and animation that you want for your revised layout, EXPORT the configuration giving it the name "tapper".

Now when you open a new sequence you can IMPORT the tapper configuration.

My guess is the reason you don't have the option to IMPORT is because you have never exported a configuration to import.

I hope that helps


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