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Not Responding error when try to Remove Channel from Track


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I have been getting errors when try to remove a channel from a track. Version 2.94 is just not responding. My files have gotten rather large and not sure if this is an issue. Currently have 14 tracks and files are running from 10,000 KB to 30,000 KB. I have had errors also on low end at 5,000 KB also. Only work solution to date has been to manually go into the file and delete the lines in the track which have the index references which I want removed. This has worked, but would like to know what's wrong.

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Does the sequence have RGB channels?

There was a bug that could cause, in certain situations, "extra" RGB channels to accumulate in a sequence -- i.e. RGB channels that are in the sequence, but not actually in any track of the sequence -- and this had a side effect of making certain operations (including deleting channels) very very slow.

The bug itself was fixed a while ago -- i.e. "extra" RGB channels no longer accumulate, at least not in the same situation -- but the side effect (deleting channels in affected sequences is very very slow) will not be fixed until the next version of software is released.

In the meantime, if you send the sequences to me (bob@lightorama.com), I think I can probably clean them up for you.

What version of the software are you using, by the way?

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I've got 10 CCR's in the file and probably is causing the problem. I am using version 2.94 as mentioned in original posting. I can clean up with text editor until the new software is released. Looks very promising from the video posted. Glad to know it is a known bug and not something that cropped up.

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