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Alright, I thought I had all this figured out until...... I am trying to do a light flicker effect that will just do that, no music just a simple flicker.. How in the world do I do that? I cant do that musical sequence for obvious reasons...

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Try this... Go to File, New, New Sequence, and open an animation sequence.

Is this what your talking about??

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Not entirely sure what effect you are after but if I am reading you right a flicker could be done using a fade up and fade down effect. Fade start at maybe 30% ramp up to 70% and vary the amount until you find a pattern that works for you.

Hope that helps.

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John Slade wrote:

Try this... Go to File, New, New Sequence, and open an animation sequence.

Is this what your talking about??

Yes, sorry should of made it more clear. I tried that last night, but for some reason I couldn't make it run. I'm sure it was operator error. I will try it again tonight?
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jimswinder wrote:

Yes, that is where this whole idea came from.. The problem I was having and still am, is dealing with the no music thing.. I tried to do the animation sequence, but when I did a test run to see if I like the effect, it wouldn't play. So, thinking I made a mistake, I went and tested one of my Christmas sequences that I have already completed and it ran just fine.. The only difference between the two is one has music and one doesn't. Once again Im sure it is user error..
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Are all of your channels assigned to a controller in your animation sequence? If your musical sequence plays fine, it sounds like it's something easy like this. If that's the case, you can just export your channel config from your music sequence, and then import it to the animation.



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Arnoldc wrote:

The only difference between the two is one has music and one doesn't. Once again Im sure it is user error..
hmmmm...did you download and are you using Orvilles sequence?

When you say it doesn't run, what do you mean?

That it doesn't control the lights? (Have you clicked on the "Control Lights" under View).

That you don't see it moving in the Sequencer?
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No, I didn't use Orvilles sequence, kinda making it on my own, using his concepts
Well, what I mean when it doesn't run, it plays just fine using the animation. But when I set it up to actually run for real, it wont run the lights..
My only thinking is that I only set it up for 8 channels not 16..

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I would do as downtown suggested...make sure you have all your channels assigned correctly...

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Arnoldc wrote:

jimswinder wrote:

Yes, that is where this whole idea came from.. The problem I was having and still am, is dealing with the no music thing.. I tried to do the animation sequence, but when I did a test run to see if I like the effect, it wouldn't play. So, thinking I made a mistake, I went and tested one of my Christmas sequences that I have already completed and it ran just fine.. The only difference between the two is one has music and one doesn't. Once again Im sure it is user error..

Arnold, maybe this short "Animation" test sequence file will help you out. This is only a FIVE channel, that's right only 5 channel sequence I use to test my 5 Funkin type Jack O Lanterns with to make sure I have the flicker set the way I want. You can modify, change, do whatever you want with the test sequence attached to this message.

But the animation should work just fine wether it is only ONE channel or hundreds of channels. This works just fine on my DC-MP3 Showtime Director , or runs in the sequence editor or ran from the PC using the LOR program that runs everything when enabled. If you try and run it as a "music file", that definitely won't work.

So hopefully this small sequence I created to answer your question and hopefully help you get done what you're trying to accomplish.

Oh, you may need to set the Controller ID and the channel ID's to ones you're using (make sure you have a light/lights attached to those channels!)

The following FlickerTest sequence file (below) uses CONTROLLER 01 and CHANNELS 01 through 05 only.

Attached files FlickerTest1.las
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Orville wrote:

Arnoldc wrote:
jimswinder wrote:

Yes, that is where this whole idea came from.. The problem I was having and still am, is dealing with the no music thing.. I tried to do the animation sequence, but when I did a test run to see if I like the effect, it wouldn't play. So, thinking I made a mistake, I went and tested one of my Christmas sequences that I have already completed and it ran just fine.. The only difference between the two is one has music and one doesn't. Once again Im sure it is user error..

Arnold, maybe this short test sequence will help you out. This is only a FIVE channel, that's right only 5 channel sequence I use to test my 5 Funkin type Jack O Lanterns with to make sure I have the flicker set the way I want. You can modify, change, do whatever you want with the test sequence attached to this message.

But the animation should work just fine wether it is only ONE channel or hundreds of channels. This works just fine on my DC-MP3 Showtime Director or from the PC in the sequence editor or ran from the PC as an animation file. If you try and run it as a "music file", that definitely won't work.

So hopefully this small sequence I created to answer your question and hopefully help you get done what you're trying to accomplish.

Arnold -

If you do try to run the sequence he mentions on your system, make sure you change the controller/channel assignments to match yours...

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Thanks everyone, I will double check everything tonight! I have a funny feeling what I did wrong. I'm thinking its a newbie mistake 101.. forget to config those channels! Will do a test run tonight and let you guys know! Once again, thanks!

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Arnoldc wrote:

Thanks everyone, I will double check everything tonight! I have a funny feeling what I did wrong. I'm thinking its a newbie mistake 101.. forget to config those channels! Will do a test run tonight and let you guys know! Once again, thanks!

Make sure the lights and controllers are plugged in too. :P
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Surfing4Dough wrote:

Arnoldc wrote:
Thanks everyone, I will double check everything tonight! I have a funny feeling what I did wrong. I'm thinking its a newbie mistake 101.. forget to config those channels! Will do a test run tonight and let you guys know! Once again, thanks!

Make sure the lights and controllers are plugged in too. :P
Oh man, whew that too?! Glad the computer doesn't have to be turned on, that would be pushing it! LOl
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Arnoldc wrote:

Surfing4Dough wrote:
Arnoldc wrote:
Thanks everyone, I will double check everything tonight! I have a funny feeling what I did wrong. I'm thinking its a newbie mistake 101.. forget to config those channels! Will do a test run tonight and let you guys know! Once again, thanks!

Make sure the lights and controllers are plugged in too. :P
Oh man, whew that too?! Glad the computer doesn't have to be turned on, that would be pushing it! LOl
don't laugh, when i started my Christmas show this year i miticulously laid things out and made sure everything was plugged into the right channel. When I went to fire it up nothing happened, I started flipping out and tracing wires when suddenly i realized I had never plugged in the controllers. It happens to all of us.
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Problem solved! 2 things, one of which I already mentioned, the other was I had the wrong controller ie controller 3 not controller 1..
Note to shelf, put the controllers in the right box next time! :(

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